Jill Strassberg
Parent Honoree
ill Strassberg grew up in Westchester, NY and was part of a conservative Jewish center but did not attend Hebrew school.  She obtained her undergraduate degree in Accounting and Finance and her MBA in Finance from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.  Before becoming a full-time mother to her two teenage daughters she worked for two years in investment banking at Goldman, Sachs and for nine years for a large life insurance company in the Controller’s area.
When her youngest daughter started preschool, Jill became more Jewishly active and more observant.  She studied for and celebrated an adult Bat-Mitzvah with seven other women from Temple Emanuel of the Pascack Valley in June 2011.  Jill has been very active volunteering at her Temple, serving as Sisterhood Treasurer, selling yarmulkes for simchas for six years out of the gift shop, was a member of the Board of Trustees (adult education co-chair) from 2017-2019, and co-chairs the Torah Fund campaign for JTS at Temple Emanuel.
Jill is also an active member of the Hills/Valley Coalition, a local school-based organization that promotes stigma-free mental health and a substance-free environment for teens.  She is also active in local politics and spent five months volunteering with the finance staff for a local congressional campaign in 2016.
In June 2019, Jill graduated from Bergen Leads, a nine-month leadership development program sponsored by the Bergen Volunteer Center that exposes approximately 30 Bergen-based employees and residents to the county’s government, healthcare, education and non-profit sectors.
Jill has been volunteering at BCHSJS weekly since 2016 and is pleased with the enriching classes and stimulating social activities her younger daughter has enjoyed while she has interacted with a wonderful group of parents and the school’s committed staff and teachers.
Alex and Doug Alexandra and Douglas Sobelman
Congratulations Jill. This is a well deserved honor! You should be very proud of your contributions to the school.
Peter and Susan Liebeskind
Shira, Joseph, Penina, Mimi, and Tammy Steinberg
Mazal Tov to all the 2020 Honorees. BCHSJS is truly blessed for your individual contributions to its past, present and future.
Deborah Shames
Debbie and Gary Mendeloff
Adelphi Educational Services, Inc.
Last Name
The Kestenbaum Family
Robyn and Gary Reifman
Merri and Martin Gurian
Sylvia and Alan Le Cine
David and Liya Pichkadze
Mazal Tov to all the 2020 Honorees. BCHSJS is truly blessed for your individual contributions to its past, present and future.
Last Name
Elysa Dauerman and Menachem Pastreich Elysa Dauerman and Menachem Pastreich
Congratulations to Jill Strassberg. May You Go From Strength to Strength.
Cantor & Mrs Mark Biddelman
Cari and Eric Brandon
Mazel Tov to Jill Strassberg
Thank you for all of your hard work, dedication and support of BCHSJS
with love from Cari, Eric, Rebecca and Sarah Brandon
Connie and Rand Stack
Mazal Tov to all the 2020 Honorees. BCHSJS is truly blessed for your individual contributions to its past, present and future.
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