Sy Blechman
L'Dor V'Dor Award
Sy Blechman's career in the garment industry started at Alexanders with stops at EJ Korvette and Lerner’s before he started his own dress company, Perceptions, in 1985.
Sy, who joined the BCHSJS Board in 2001, served as its President from 2003-2012 and again from 2016 to the present. Among his many accomplishments at BCHSJS, he is credited with making our annual fundraising dinner the success that it has been.
Besides BCHSJS, he is and has been involved in many other community endeavors. He served as Chairman of the New York UJA Dress Division, one of UJA's largest contributing groups; regularly donates dresses to Yad Leah; and he rescues dogs from kill shelters.
In 1927 an uncle of his who made aliyah, built the first shul on any kibbutz or moshav in Israel. Though designated a national landmark, it fell into disuse. In 2010 Sy rebuilt and refurbished the shul which over the last few years has seen many bar/bat mitzvahs.
Mississippi Trading
Congratulations to Sy Blechman. May You Go From Strength to Strength.
Shira, Joseph, Penina, Mimi, and Tammy Steinberg
Mazal Tov to all the 2020 Honorees. BCHSJS is truly blessed for your individual contributions to its past, present and future.
Connie and Rand Stack
Mazal Tov to all the 2020 Honorees. BCHSJS is truly blessed for your individual contributions to its past, present and future.
Steven and Gail Prystowsky Prystowsky
Mazal Tov to all the 2020 Honorees. BCHSJS is truly blessed for your individual contributions to its past, present and future.
Myra and Manny Genn
Silver page-Congratulations and Thank you to Sy Blechman for his commitment and dedication to BCHSJS and the entire Jewish Community
Myra and Manny Genn
Bronze page-Congratulations to the Board,Faculty and Staff for their commitment and dedication to BCHSJS and the entire Jewish Community
Myra and Manny Genn
Myra and Manny Genn
Bronze page-Congratulations to the Board,Faculty and Staff for their commitment and dedication to BCHSJS and the entire Jewish Community
Myra and Manny Genn
Jill and Steven Last Name
Congratulations to all the honorees on your well-deserved honors.