Chany & David Fleischhacker

But community service had long been engrained in each of their genes from their parents, each active in the shuls of their respective communities. David’s father, Walter A”H, had served as a hazan in several shuls, had taught Sunday school, and was active in many other ways. His mother, Hilda, worked many years in a synagogue office. Chany’s father, Dov, also served as a Hazan and a Baal Koreh in every community he lived. Her mother, Adele A”H, was an accomplished speech therapist, who also enjoyed Torah learning, and later in life could often be found leading a class in her community.
So, it really was no surprise when Chany & David became active in their first shul – Congregation Etz Chaim of Kew Gardens Hills in Queens, NY. It did not take long for David to become the congregation’s president and completed the shul’s move from rental space to a newly built permanent sanctuary.
After a few years, David decided that he wanted to make Jewish communal work his occupation instead of his hobby, and he began to search for a position. As fate would have it, the executive director position was open in the very shul where David grew up – Baron Hirsch. David was strongly tied to Baron Hirsch – having become especially close with Rabbi Rafael Grossman Z”l and Rabbi Leonard Yormark Z”l, both of whom he learnt with throughout his teen years. He was a veteran of the shul’s Camp Darom, having grown from camper, to CIT, to counselor, and even to director when he was in college.
It was in the summer of 2003 that Chany & David, along with their children Leah, Nachi & Yehudit, moved to Memphis, and David assumed the position of Executive Director of Baron Hirsch. During his tenure, he has helped the congregation through wonderous times and challenges. He has always sought to grow the shul’s programming and influence from year to year – assisting its clergy and lay leadership in offering the community the very best in programs and services. He has helped the shul create lasting bonds and memories for hundreds of families throughout the year.
Chany has also made a deep impact on the community. Through her creativity and giving nature, she is always available to lend a hand and give of her talents. Professionally, Chany has taught at the Margolin Hebrew Academy for almost their entire time in Memphis. As an art teacher, she has been a positive role model to hundreds upon hundreds of students and was recently recognized by MHA/FYOS with the Teacher of the Year Award.
Within the community, Chany has been recognized by Jewish Family Service with the Bob Silver Chesed Award, and with the Lou Turetsky Chesed Award from Baron Hirsch. She served as an officer on the MHA/FYOS PTA for many years and was active for many years in Hadassah.
As much as Chany & David love their work in Memphis, they have always been drawn to their dream of living in Israel. After almost 20 years of service to our community, they have decided that it is time to make their dream a reality, and they will be leaving Baron Hirsch and Memphis in a couple short months from now. Even as they start this new chapter in their lives, they remain committed to the ideals which make Baron Hirsch one of the most special and unique congregation in the county.
We look forward in celebrating with the Fleischhackers on November 20th and wish them continued success in their new home.