Diamond Sponsor
In honor of David and Chany,
With great appreciation for your commitment and years of dedicated service to both Baron Hirsch and the MHA/FYOS and for your organized and effective contributions to the success of our community. 
We will miss you both but wish you much hatzlacha in the fulfillment of your long time dreams of making Aliyah.
Laurie Cooper and Donny Emerson
Cindy and Bart Ehrenkranz
Aileen and Pace Cooper
Tova and David Cooper
Gold Sponsor
To David and Chany
It is a joy for our synagogue to have an event to thank you
for your many years of superb dedication and service to
Baron Hirsch. I must say though, that it is bittersweet
recognizing that before long, you will have left Memphis
and on your way to a new and joyful life in Israel.
We will miss you and everything that you have done
for Baron Hirsch through these many years.
With Our Best Regards,
Jack A. Belz and Family
Gold Sponsor
Mazal Tov Chany and David Fleischhacker
Thank you for sharing your family and time with us at Baron Hirsch Congregation and Margolin Hebrew Academy.
Your friendship and sound guidance in all our "adventures" is greatly appreciated and will be deeply missed.
We wish you Bracha and Hatzlacha in Eretz Israel.
Tracey & David Mendelson
Elaine & Irvin Skopp
Wendy & Morris Thomas
Mary & Corey Trotz
Silver Sponsor
In loving memory of Walter z'l
The Fleischhacker Family Celebrates 50 years
with Baron Hirsch Synagogue
Congratulations to Chany and David
on making your dream come true!
With much love,
Hilda Fleischhacker
Silver Sponsor

To Chany and David Fleischhacker,
You do so much for so many all the time.
It is greatly appreciated and we are forever thankful
for your service to Baron Hirsch and our community.
Jan and Andy Groveman
Silver Sponsor
Dear Chany & David,
Thank you for your wonderful care and kindness to all
of us at Baron Hirsch and the community at large. 
Most of all I thank you for our friendship. 
Every good wish as you make Aliya to Israel.
Much Love, 
Dessie Sewel
Silver Sponsor
Mazel Tov and Thank You
Chany & David

for years of service to Baron Hirsch, MHA-FYOS, and the
entire Jewish community. Your dedication, commitment, hard
work, and kindness have set the standards
high for all of us to follow.
We will miss you more than you can imagine. May you
be blessed with happiness and success in Israel.

Cindi & Joe Weinstein and Family
Bronze Sponsor
Mazal Tov to
Chany & David Fleischhacker
on the well-deserved honor.
Bronze Sponsor
Yasher Koach from Anshei Sphard Beth El Emeth David,
you have been a fantastic help for the entire
Anshei Sphard Beth El Emeth Congregation.
You have always made every congregant feel welcome. Thank
you for everything you have done in all your various capacities.
We will miss you so much. Best wishes to you, Chany, and
your family as you make aliya to Israel. Hatzlacha on this
next leg of your journey.
ASBEE Office, Board, Clergy & Congregation
Bronze Sponsor
We join in honoring
David and Chany Fleischhacker
who have strengthened
Baron Hirsch and the greater Memphis Jewish
community in enhancing the presence of the
Melech Hakovod with humility and selflessness.
May you continue to emulate the attributes of
Hashem in all of your endeavors.
Nina and Sandy Blockman
Bronze Sponsor
Mazal Tov
Chany & David Fleischhacker
on the well-deserved honor.
Canale Funeral Directors
Bronze Sponsor
Mazal Tov to Chany & David Fleischhacker
on their well-deserved honor for 20 years of
service to our community and synagogue.
We wish you hatzlacha raba on your move
to Israel.
Harris and Sandra Cohen
Bronze Sponsor
Dear Chany and David
Kol Hakavod to my dear nephew and niece on the momentous day that celebrates your many years of distinguished service. Your devotion is extraordinary and I know that your Kehillah Kedushah will miss you terribly. Making Aliyah is a Mitzvah that fulfills your love and devotion to our people, Israel. It is a Mitzvah that I would long to share albeit I can only vouch for one year in Eretz Yisrael during 1951-52.
I send you my blessings of shalom & a nesiah tovah.
Uncle Werner
Bronze Sponsor
David & Chany - 
Congratulations on your well deserved honor.
Grinder, Taber & Grinder
Bronze Sponsor
Chany and David
Thank you for your dedication to Baron Hirsch
and the Memphis Jewish Community.
All the Best
Marc and Jan Hanover
Bronze Sponsor
Mazel tov to Chany and David on this well-deserved honor.
In the short time my family has known you we quickly became
aware of your warmth and dedication to our community.
Since we moved to the area you have done nothing but
make us feel welcome. We are going to miss you terribly.
May HaShem bless you with good health, prosperity,
serenity, joy and nachat from your family.
צאתכם לשלום
The Kabel Family (Rob, Eliya, and Ori)
Bronze Sponsor
Compliments of
Liberty Electric
Bronze Sponsor
Mazal Tov Chany and David on your move to Israel.
You have been an asset to Memphis and
Baron Hirsch these past 20 years.
We will miss you,
Sue Ann, Bernard, Nancy, Ira,
Jay and Rebecca Lipsey
Bronze Sponsor
Thank you David and Chany for all you both
have done for our Community and for our family.
You have assisted us through both happy and
sad occasions.
You never seem to tire and you are always smiling.
May you go from strength to strength.
You will be greatly missed.
Diane & Paul Mendelson
Bronze Sponsor
Congratulations to
Chany & David Fleischhacker
on this well-deserved honor.
Thanks David for all your help with the So-Shuls
during the 14 years I chaired it.
Elaine Miner
Bronze Sponsor
Chany and David,
Mazel Tov on this well-deserved honor.
We cannot thank you enough for all that you have done over
the years. We hope you know how much we greatly appreciate
you and how much you will be missed by us and everyone in
our synagogue and community.
We wish you good health and much happiness
with your family in Israel.
Judy & Larry Moss
Bronze Sponsor
In appreciation of
Chany and David Fleischhacker
for being great friends, for
doing an immense amount for our community
and shul, and for being an inspiration to us.
Good luck in all your future endeavors!
Shayna & Brad Somer & Family
Bronze Sponsor
Congratulations to Chany & David Fleischhacker
on their Years of Service to our community.
Emily & Alvin Steinberg
Bronze Sponsor
To Chany and David Fleischhacker for your
friendship and all you have done for the shul.
We are honored to know you.
Wishing you hazlacha on the next phase
of your lives.
Ellen, Ellis, Andrew, Liz, Jonathan, Evie,
Maddie and Adam
Ellen and Ellis Tavin
Bronze Sponsor
Thank you for your service to the community.
Best wishes from
Paul West
West Memorials
Bronze Sponsor
Congratulations to
Chany & David Fleischhacker
on their Years of Service to our shul
and our community.
Dena & Gary Wruble
Bronze Sponsor
David & Chany,
David has been the most outstanding executive director
we have ever had. It will almost be impossible to replace
him with only one person.
We wish him and his wonderful wife a fantastic life in Israel.
Diane & Larry Wruble
Dinner Sponsor
Mazal Tov to Chany & David Fleischhacker
on the well-deserved honor.
Dr. Mo Greenbaum
Dinner Sponsor
Baron Hirsch is so fortunate to have had you on their team for the last two decades and we were honored to be part of that team with you.  You will be sorely missed.
Baron Hirsch Staff
Dinner Sponsor
In honor of Chany and David 
We appreciate everything you have done for our Shul and community
We wish you all the best!!
We will miss you dearly!
Joan & Phillip Baum
Dinner Sponsor
In honor of Chany and David
with tremendous gratitude for
all you have done for
our community .
We will miss you!!
Shelby & Lee Baum
Dinner Sponsor
Congratulations on this
special honor.
Belz Construction LLC
Dinner Sponsor
Chany and David, Eileen and I congratulate and
thank you for making Memphis and especially
Baron Hirsch Synagogue the focus of your lives.
You have both made our community a better place.
We will miss you and your family so very much!
Have a wonderful life in Israel.
With much love and admiration,
The Cherny Family
Dinner Sponsor
Mazal Tov to Chany & David Fleischhacker!
Thank you so much for all you have done for
the shul, school, and community!
Wishing you all the best in your Aliyah!
Deena and Noam Davidovics
Dinner Sponsor
Thank you for your years of dedication and
love for our Baron Hirsch and
Memphis Community.
We wish all the best in your next chapter
in Israel.
Tami & Bob Eiseman
Dinner Sponsor
Mazel Tov on this wonderful honor.
We thank you for everything you have done on
behalf of our shul and community.
Evelyn Graber
Tova & Roy Graber
Dinner Sponsor
Wishing David and Chany
much Hatzlacha as they make Aliya.
We are grateful for your years of service to our shul
and our Jewish community. You will be missed.
Teri & Larry Graber and Family
Dinner Sponsor
Mazal Tov and congratulations to Chany and David
Fleischacker on being recognized and fêted for twenty years
of dedicated and expert service to the community, the
congregation and the shul.

Wishing you good health, simcha and success in your move to
Eretz Yisrael. While we are sad you are leaving us, we are
happy that you are able to make your dream come true.

All the best,
Sandi Haddad & Family
Dinner Sponsor
Chany, soon after we met - you told us that
the train whistles from Poplar kept you up
at night. Hope you don't have that problem in Israel.
David, our family's relationship reaches back
to our parents.
I hope we can keep our friendship going
long distance.
Jean Hayden & Mark Hayden
Dinner Sponsor
Mazel Tov to Chany and David, a most
deserving couple, who mean so much to us and
our wonderful community.
You will be missed.
Thank you.
L'hitraot Ba'aretz.
Debbie Freiden & Hugh Gordon
Dinner Sponsor
Thank you David and Chany for your decades of
devoted service to the Memphis Jewish community.
We wish you well in Israel and in all your
future endeavors.
Jewish Foundation of Memphis and Memphis
Jewish Federation
Jewish Community Partners
Dinner Sponsor
Mazal Tov to
Chany & David Fleischhacker
on the well-deserved honor.
Zac and Rashki Kaplan
Dinner Sponsor
Mazal Tov
Chany & David Fleischhacker
on the well-deserved honor.
Rebekah and Mark Kaplowitz
Dinner Sponsor
Chany and David,
Y'all have been an incredible asset to our shul
and community.  We know that you will be a little more relaxed about leaving now that you were part of the successful process to fill your position.
We are so proud of you and your family for making Aliyah. 
Hopefully you are help inspire other members
of our community to join y'all.
We will truly miss y'all in Memphis and hope
to see you in Israel.
Lisa & Seth Kaufman & Family
Dinner Sponsor
Mazal Tov to Chany & David Fleischhacker
on the well-deserved honor.
We will miss you both!
Enjoy your new ADVENTURE!
Janis and Brian Kiel
Dinner Sponsor
Chany and David -

We will miss you, but for you, there are lots of synagogues in
Israel that needs your care.
- Shelley and Jerry Kutliroff
Dinner Sponsor
Chany & David
Your dedication and love for the mission of
Baron Hirsch has been an incredible inspiration.
We deeply value our friendship and will miss you dearly.
We can't wait to visit you in Israel. Mazal Tov!
Emily and Marc Lennon
Dinner Sponsor
Congratulations Chany & David
Best of luck in all your endeavors.
Lynette & Milton Less
Dinner Sponsor
David & Chany - We wish
you all the best as you begin
this new chapter in
Eretz Yisrael
Nancy & Michael Levinson
Dinner Sponsor
Congratulations to Chany & David Fleischhacker
on your years of service to our community.
Thank you for everything you have done.
You will be greatly missed.
Richard and Aviva Lewis
Dinner Sponsor
David & Chany,
Mazel Tov on making Aliya!
You will be greatly missed around here.
Baron Hirsch will always be your family.
May your future be filled with much nachas!
Jake & Rieva Lipsey
Dinner Sponsor
Chany & David -
Thank you for all you have done for our shul.
We wish you nothing but happiness and success
in your new home.
Dinah & Gary Makowsky
Dinner Sponsor
Thank you for your loyal dedication
to the Baron Hirsch Congregation
and the entire Memphis community.
We wish you and your family many years of health
and happiness on your move to Israel.
Sidney & Andie Mendelson
Dinner Sponsor
Mazal Tov
Chany & David Fleischhacker
on the well-deserved honor.
Barak Oxman
Dinner Sponsor
Best wishes 
Paragon Bank
Dinner Sponsor
In honor of
Chany and David Fleischhacker
with gratitude for their years of unparalleled and
devoted service to Baron Hirsch and
the Memphis Jewish community.
Amara Levine-Reich and Eli Reich
Dinner Sponsor
Mazal Tov to Chany & David Fleischhacker
on the well-deserved honor.
Thank you for all you have done for Baron
Hirsch and our family.
We will miss you.
May this next chapter in your lives be filled
with only mazal and bracha!
Rivki and Hillel Wiener
Dinner Sponsor
Mazal Tov 
Chany & David 
on this well-deserved honor.
Frances & Herschel Rosenberg
Dinner Sponsor
Congratulations to
Chany & David Fleischhacker
on their Years of Service to our community.
Sarah and Noam VanderWalde
Dinner Sponsor
Mazal Tov to
Chany & David Fleischhacker
on the
well-deserved honor.
Havah and Robert Schneider
Dinner Sponsor
Mazal Tov, Chany and David, on making Aliyah!
And thank you for everything you have done for the
Jewish Community in Memphis and beyond - from camps to
davening to art poems and art techniques to Shabbos meals
to events to the endless hours at Baron Hirsch.
You are role models we are proud to know, and
we look forward to seeing you in Eretz Yisrael.
Rachel, Steven, Adina, Naomi, Leah, and Shoshana Schwartzberg
Dinner Sponsor
Congratulations to
Chany & David Fleischhacker
on their Years of Service to
our community.
Dinner Sponsor
Mazal Tov to
Chany & David Fleischhacker
on the well-deserved honor.
Suzanne and Scott Baum
Dinner Sponsor
Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor for the work you have
done at Baron Hirsch. I value our friendship and remember
visiting you in New York and appreciated the times you visited
me when I lived in the DC area. I also recall fun memories
visiting you at your parents house on Meadowcrest - your
entire family was always nice to me and I appreciate their
kindness. I also value the memories of visiting you and Chany
for wonderful meals -particularly Pesach Seders. My wife and I
wish both of you the very best on your move to Israel.
All the best-
Bracha & Frank Udelsohn
Dinner Sponsor
Thank you for your years of
dedication to our shul.
We will miss you.
Lindi and Ari VanderWalde
Dinner Sponsor
Mazel Tov Chany and David!
We are so excited for you and wish you all the best!
We love you both!
Debbie and Barry Wayler
Dinner Sponsor
לך לך מארצך וממולדתך ומבית אביך אל הארץ אשר אראך
"Go forth from your native land and from your father's house
to the land that I will show you."
David and Chany
We know these words have power. You are leaving your home.
Your community. The place of your birth (and the birth of your
children) and are going to the place that Hashem has shown
you.  This has been your dream for so long. We will miss you
in Memphis but know that you will build a
home and community in Israel. 

B'Hatzlacha Rabbah 
Dan, Jessica, Nadav, Yaron and Dotan Weiss
Jessica & Dan Weiss
Dinner Sponsor
With love and gratitude
for your true friendship and
tireless efforts on behalf
of our community.
Penina & Elliot Wender
Dinner Sponsor
Mazel Tov on your upcoming
Aliya and thank you for all
you have done for
Baron Hirsch.
Razelle & Stanley Wender
Dinner Sponsor
Mazel Tov on this well
deserved honor, and wishing
you all the best in
your future.
Judy Wormser
Half Page
Dear Chany and David, I have worked with each of you over
the last 20 years and must say it was my pleasure!
You are both dedicated, organized, multi-talented and
intelligent people. I know that everyone will miss you.
You are a hard act to follow! But I understand why you
would want to make Aliyah!
I wish you good health, happiness and much
luck in Israel, and much nachas from your
wonderful family.
Eileen Posner
Half Page
Dearest Chany and David, Mazal Tov V'harbei Nahchat,
For all of your accomplishments while maintaining quiet
modesty over these past 25 years.

As you step up to your future we are confident that continued
modesty and ascension are the next level that awaits you. You
are most fortunate to go to Israel, and Israel has the benefit of
welcoming you, with the embrace in finally receiving you. 
You know we will miss you as we continue to love you,

Chavi and Moshe Schmell,
Naftali & Shani, Yoel & Ahuva,
Ayala & Yosef, Tziona & Moshe, Yehuda & Racheli,
And the next generation BH.

We love and respect you more than you know 
Quarter Page Tribute Ad
In Honor of David & Chany
To one who did so much for so many
Who managed Baron Hirsch with grace & energy for so long
To Chany for all she did at MHA and in our community
Rabbi Joel & Bluma Finkelstein

Chany & David
Best wishes for you as you begin this new phase of your lives.
The distance is not that far.
Your Brother
Michael Fleischhacker

Mazal Tov to Chany & David Fleischhacker
on the well-deserved honor.
Hal Fogelman
Quarter Page Tribute Ad
Kol hakavod. You are fulfilling a life long
dream and we wish you much success in your Aliyah.
Selwyn and Glynis Gerber

With awe and admiration for the energy, effort and dedication that David and Chany have always shown in everything they are involved with.
Yoel & Chana Dina Goldblatt

Mazal Tov on Fulfilling Your Dream
Jill & Seth Goldstein
Quarter Page Tribute Ad
What a blessing you have been,
not only to Baron Hirsch Congregation,
but to the entire Memphis Jewish community.
We celebrate you, Chany & David!
Rabbi Micah and Sheril Greenstein

I am proud to have been David's camp counselor
at Camp Darom, and to have supervised him as
NCSY Director in Passaic, New Jersey.
Mazel Tov on your upcoming Aliyah.
Gilbert Jacobson

Thank you for all you have done. You are an amazing couple.
We will miss you more than you will ever know.
Anat & Ricky Kampf and Family
Quarter Page Tribute Ad
Dearest David & Chany, Thank you for all you have given to this community, to Baron Hirsch and to us. Wherever you go, whatever you do, may it bring you all joy and happiness.
With Love and Gratitude,
Joyce & Missy Levine

Mazal Tov to Chany & David! Thank you for your service to Baron Hirsch, MHA/FYOS, and the community. We will miss you and wish you Hatzlacha.
Phylis Levine

With David's help we established the Tzeh Ulmad Fund in memory of my mother Sally Kaplan. It gives funds to Memphis students going to Israel.
Michael & Diane Kaplan
Quarter Page Tribute Ad
Mazal tov & best wishes to Chany & David as you embark on realizing your lifelong dream in Israel. We are so proud of you. Love you very much.
Jack & Renee Nussbaum

Dear David and Chany,
Miles and years have not dulled our friendship.
עלו והצליחו
Dina and Rabbi Moshe Rosenberg

MAZEL TOV to an AMAZING Couple! With tremendous hakaras hatov for your friendship and all you have done for the community! 
Aryeh and Adina Samberg
Quarter Page Tribute Ad
Chany and David, We wish you all the best on your Aliyah! Fondly,
Mendy and Marilyn Schachter

Congratulations to
Chany & David Fleischhacker
on their Years of Service to our community.
Ellen and Francie, Barbara and Michael Schneider

Mazal Tov Chany & David! Your commitment to the community and shul has been a real inspiration to us! Bhatzlacha on your aliyah!
Dina & Eitan Selter
Quarter Page Tribute Ad
You left us in charge of Etz Chaim
and devoted 20 years to Baron Hirsch.
Yasher Koach on a great job and Hatzlacha in Israel.
Yvette & Sam Sturm

Baron Hirsch is a better place because of your hard work and efforts. We wish we could be there to celebrate with you.
Adrian & Larry Weissman

In honor of Chany & David Fleischhacker for their many years of dedicated service to Baron Hirsch Congregation and the Memphis Jewish community
Young Israel of Memphis
Quarter Page Tribute Ad
Mazal Tov to Chany and David!  You are such outstanding assets to your community, but Memphis' loss is Israel's gain.  Harold and I as well as the entire Mishpacha are so proud of you.
We are awed by your abilities, achievements, and humility.  Harold and I can't wait to hold up a sign welcoming you home. 
We love you both so much,
Aunt Shaindy and Uncle Harold Zudick

Journal Listing
Thank you for your leadership and partnership. We wish you all the best of luck of and years of happiness!
AIPAC Southeast

David and Chany, thank you for your years of dedication to Baron Hirsch and for your friendship and support.
Anna Olswanger & Sholom Silvestri

Mazal Tov to Chany & David Fleischhacker
on the well-deserved honor.
Emily and Dennis Baer

Mazal Tov to Chany & David Fleischhacker
on the well-deserved honor.
Cindy and Jon Barrack
Journal Listing
Thanks for all your wonderful help. I will miss you. All the best to you!
Dot Bilsky

Chany & David,
Mazel Tov on your upcoming Aliya
Dov Bodlander

Good Luck. I will miss you.
Doris Califf

Thank you both so much for your many dedicated years
of service. All our best to you & your family
starting your new life in Israel.
Joanne & Bob Cohen
Journal Listing
Thank you for the many years of service to our shul.
Good luck in Israel!
Madelyne Daneman

Mazel Tov to Chany and David Fleischhacker. Great friends deserve a great send-off. Love, 
Julia and Saul Erlbaum

Mazal Tov to our parents who always give so much to the community.
We look forward to seeing you in Israel!
Leah, Nachi, and Yehudit Fleischhacker

In honor of Mr. Fleischhacker's service to the synagogue.
A superb job!
Elaine & Michael Fox
Journal Listing
May your lives in Israel be as honorable, meaningful & rewarding as it has been in Memphis
The Frager Family

Mazel Tov and Best Wishes on this wonderful occasion.
Many thanks for all your good deeds.
Wesley & Norman Galen

Congratulations to Chany & David Fleischhacker on their Years of Service to our community.
Charles Hanover

Mazal Tov to Chany & David Fleischhacker
on the well-deserved honor.
Shimon and Shira Harary
Journal Listing
With appreciation for your years of service to our community. 
Mazel Tov,
Cathie & Alan Jacobs

Friends like you are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget. Go in peace.
Joel and Joanne Kahane

Mazel Tov from 
Perla & Ted Kimball

Mazal Tov to Chany & David Fleischhacker
on the well-deserved honor.
Jolie and Michael Kisber
Journal Listing
Thanks for always being so helpful
and wearing a warm smile on your face.
Elaine and David Krueger

Mazel Tov from
Daryl Lansky

Mazal Tov to you both for service to Baron Hirsch, the community, my family and me. You will be missed.
Judy Kaplan McCown

Best of Luck in the Future! You will certainly be missed!
Marcia Moskovitz
Journal Listing
Mazal Tov to Chany & David Fleischhacker
on the well-deserved honor.
Robin and Sergio Musicante

Mazel Tov to Chany & David
Alvin Notowich

Mazel Tov and Thank You
Erin Ostrow

Mazel Tov to Chany & David
on this well deserved honor
Rose & Erwin Ostrow
Journal Listing
Mazel Tov and much hatzlacha, David and Chany, on your upcoming Aliyah. Thanks for inspiring us!
Avi and Dawn Posner Goldstein

Chany and David, May Hashem grant you a successful "klitah" on your Aliyah. You are both super special!
Rabbi David and Barbara Radinsky

Mazal Tov to Chany & David Fleischhacker
on the well-deserved honor.
Sarah and Alex Baum

We wish Chany & David
Mazel Tov for their many years of service to Baron Hirsch.
Dr. Avron & Rochelle Slutsky
Journal Listing
Mazel Tov Chany & David. You have earned your legacy at Baron Hirsch with your good name and hard work.
Stacy & Scott Vogel

From Camp Darom to COVID minyanim, everything he did for the shul was first class! He will be greatly missed. 
Amy & David Winestone