We are thrilled to share this honor with Marty, Tamy, and Vivian. At a time Am Yisrael and the world need much healing, we are proud to be members of a synagogue whose name represents what we all value so dearly, being a community of lovingkindness.
Ellen Braitman & David Shapiro
"Our chief want is someone who will
inspire us to be what we know we could be.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Mazal tov to Tamy, Marty, Vivian, Ellen & David:  leaders who inspire us.
Dawn Kellman & David Lock
Congratulations and thanks
to our wonderful honorees
for all they do to support our community!
Tom and Julie Hirschfeld
Mazel tov to all the honorees, but especially my
daughter Vivian. You are such a wonderful and
trust worthy person, and I love you endlessly--Dad
Joseph Mamelak
Yasher Koach to

Tamy & Martin Green
Vivian Mamelak
Ellen Braitman & David Shapiro

For your ongoing contributions and dedication that
have enriched the Ansche Chesed community.
AC's Morning Minyan
With great thanks and appreciation to
all our wonderful honorees!!
Patty & Seth Goldman
We merry band of Ellens could not be happier for
our fellow Ellen on her recognition by Ansche Chesed. Ellen exemplifies the finest qualities of every Ellen and brings honor to her namesakes far and wide.
And Mazel Tov to the other Honorees (though they be not Ellens): Tamy, Martin, Vivian and David!
We Merry Band of Ellens,
Ellen Flax, Ellen Resnick & Ellen Schorr
The community is so much better
because of the things you do. Thank you.
Elaine Morris, Elisheva Urbas & David Morris
The Morris-Urbas Family
To Ellen and David,
Congratulations on this well-deserved honor. Your accomplishments never fail to amaze us.
We are very proud of you both.
Love, Mom and Dad
Stephen & Susan Braitman
Congratulations on this recognition for your
acts of Chesed and your hard work for
and dedication to Ansche Chesed.
Esther & Richard Cantor
Congratulations to Tamara & Martin,
Ellen & David, and Vivian!
With deep appreciation for your
long-time leadership and generosity.
Pearl Beck & David Fisher
I am so proud that you are being recognized
for the work you do for others.
Congratulations Mama! Love, 
Leena & Alain Demers
Congrats to Tamy, Marty, Vivian, Ellen, and David
on this well deserved honor. Thanks to each of you
for what you do for our community and for Klal Israel.
May you go m'Chayil l'Chayil.
With gratitude,
Ann Wimpfheimer & Eddie Snyder
Shkoyekh to all -- but for David and Ellen
We have to confess we're especially kvellin'!
Freda & Evan Eisenberg
Mazal tov to all the honorees.
Aviva Weintraub & Gordon Tapper
Mazal tov to all the honorees,
and to all our chaverim who have made
our lives here at Ansche Chesed so wonderful
(for over 40 years!).
Tamara & Martin Green
Mazal tov and thank you to all the honorees.
Navah Harlow
The Board and staff of the Hebrew Free Loan
Society extend a heartfelt mazal tov to our
incoming Board Chair, Ellen Braitman, and her
husband David Shapiro, and to our former
Board Chair, Vivian Mamelak, on this wonderful
occasion. We join the Ansche Chesed community
in honoring you for your leadership,
commitment, and dedication!
Hebrew Free Loan Society
Ellen & David and all the honorees...
We are honored to be thanking you.
Leora Barish & Henry Bean
Mazal tov to all the honorees.
Iris Engelson & Hyman Rosen
Mazal tov to all the honorees.
Avery & Wendy Katz
Kol Hakovod to all the Honorees
Thank you for your dedication to our community. 
We are all the better for it.
Minyan M'at
With gratitude to all of you for everything you do
to build our community.
Jocelyn Maskow
Mazal tov to all of the honorees - we feel
so lucky to be in this community with all of you!
Gratitude to outgoing Board of Trustees President
Dawn Kellman - thank you for your
leadership and service!
Medjuck-Bruckner Family
Mazal tov to all of the honorees.
Thank you for all you do for our community.
Yaron & Lisa Minsky-Primus
Mazal tov to all the honorees.
Judith Turner & Rabbi David Gedzelman
Mazal tov to all the honorees.
Thank you for all you do to support
our Ansche Chesed community.
Lisa Maller & Rich Ocken
Kol Ha'Kavod to all the honorees --
you make such a difference for our community!
Ruth & Ira Salzman
Mazal tov to all the honorees!
Your dedication to Ansche Chesed has enabled us
to become a more welcoming and vibrant community. Thank you for all you have done and
will continue to do for us.
Roberta & Paul Shapiro
Congratulations to
Ellen Braitman & David Shapiro
on this honor.
Daniel & Lauren Smith
Mazel tov and thanks to our Treasurer
Vivian Mamalek on this well-deserved honor.
Avery Katz, Martha Graybow, Ira Salzman,
Larry Moss, Terry Zisowitz, Alon Lederman
The Finance Committee
Mazel tov to David Shapiro and Ellen Braitman
The Yanovers of Dundas, Canada
and Nasielsk, Poland
Mazal tov to all the honorees.
William Segal & Amy Tenenouser
R. Simlai once said,"Torah: There is a deed of loving-kindness at
its beginning and a deed of loving kindness at its end,"
referring to G-d clothing Adam and Eve and burying Moses.
To our Honorees Tamara & Martin Green, Vivian Mamelak,
Ellen Braitman & David Shapiro, we are so grateful for the boundless loving-kindness, without beginning or end, that you have devoted to the AC community. Your generosity of spirit, steadfast presence, creative energy, and deep commitment inspire us all.
Board of Trustees
To Ellen Braitman and David Shapiro
who give with an open heart, lead using all their
talents, support with such generosity and set an
example for all of us. We are grateful to you both
and to Tamara & Martin Green and Vivian Mamelak
for your wisdom and commitment.
Shifra, Emma & Coby
Mazal tov to all the honorees.
Sarah Jacobs & David Kronfeld
Mazal tov to all the honorees.
Jessica & David Friedman
Congratulations Tamy and Marty.
Your Shabbes Drinks Friends
Tamy, Marty, Vivian, Ellen, & David
You put the CHESED in Ansche Chesed.
Miriam Harris-Kaplan & George Kaplan
Bamidbar, the parshah to be read the day before the gala, advises us to "Take a census of the whole Israelite community...."  We did for AC and found Ellen Braitman & David Shapiro, Tamara & Martin Green, and Vivian Mamelak to be our members worthiest of praise. We celebrate all of these individuals, but especially our friends Ellen and David, who are a blessing to Minyan M'at and throughout AC,
wherever they apply their talents. 
Dina Rosenfeld & Howard Berkowitz
אין התורה נקנית אלא בחבורה ברכות סג, ב
"Torah can only be acquired within community"
Berakhot 63b
We thank the honorees and all Ansche Chesed, the "Community of Kindness," for being a community
that extends the Torah the world.
Jeremy & Amy Kalmanofsky
Kol HaKavod Vivian!
Mazal Tov to Ellen, David, Tamara, and Martin.
Nicole Rothchild & Lenny DiPietra
Tremendous thanks and gratitude Ellen and David.
Your heart, smarts, and humor so enrich our Minyan
and our little Upper West Side shtetl! Mazal tov!
Melanie Schneider & Marla Gayle
Thank you to each of the honorees for all of
your work supporting our community and
helping to create Ansche Chesed.
In gratitude, warmly, 
Lori Skopp & Michael Schmidt
Mazal tov to all this year's honorees from
Minyan Rimonim, and especially to our new
Vaad member, Marty Green!
Tamy, David, Ellen & Vivian-thank you for all
that you do for the greater Ansche Chesed community!
Michael Brochstein, Ellen Flax, Rachel Givner &
David Isaacson, Arthur Goldstein, Jennifer & Ken Karan,
Iris Korman & Nos Sher, Cecile Kuznitz, Evelyn Levine,
Dennis Sandler, Michele Siegel, Shalom Stavsky,
Valerie Wald, Jeremy Goldman & Judah Goldman
To our dearest of friends, David and Ellen.
You inspire us with your kindness and
empathy, your undiminished curiosity
and embrace of challenges.
With all our love,
The Stern-Rodriguez-Schor-Weinstein
Mazal tov to all the honorees.
Super Hair - Zero Harm
Tamy and Martin, your dedication
and presence are a gift to us all.
With my thanks,
Maron Waxman
Mazal tov to all the honorees.
Dorothy & Michael Weiss
Congratulations to
Ellen Braitman & David Shapiro
on this honor.
Abramson/Torrens Family
Mazal tov cousins Tamy & Marty!
We celebrate you for this honor and all that you do!
Elissa & David Barr-Salzberg
Mazal tov to all the honorees.
Barry Stern & Deborah Shapira
Thank you to all our honorees for your
wonderful contributions to our shul as t
ogether we build a holy community.
Much love,
Miriam & Benyamin Benhaim-Cirlin
Mazel tov to Ellen and David.
Alison Cohen
Mazel Tov to Ellen and David, who in this
disruptive period of indiviidualism and
polarization tirelessly and selflessly work
to build, deepen, and enhance community.
Irwin Kula & Dana Kurzweil
Mazel Tov to our dear friends, Ellen and David,
on this wonderful and well-deserved honor and
for being such outstanding role models for
the Jewish community.
Audrey Samers & David Glicksman
Thank you honorees for enriching our community.
Mazel tov!
Shuly Schwartz & Eric Fishman
Congratulations to Vivian Mamelak on this honor.
Norman & Lisa Godin
Mazal Tov to Ellen and David
and thank you for your
many contributions to
Minyan Ma'at and Ansche Chesed!
Stacey & Neil Gordon-Guterman
Kol Hakavod Ellen & David,
Tamy & Marty, and Vivian!
Thank you for your leadership, and for
helping us turn divrei chol, ordinary efforts,
into divrei kodesh, holy pursuits
here at Ansche Chesed and beyond.
Carolyn Greene
Mazal tov to all the honorees.
Yakov Epstein & Helane Rosenberg
Mazal tov to all the honorees.
Rabbi Judith Edelstein & Jim Meier
Tamara & Martin, Vivian, Ellen & David,
together you are the seeds that create,
the roots that nourish, and the water that
renews life in our community!
יהי רצון שכל נטיעותיך יהיו כמותך
May all that comes from your planting, be like you,
Rabbis Yael Hammerman & Josh Rabin
Congratulations Tamy & Martin,
People of Lovingkindness.
Thank you for making Morning Minyan
so warm and welcoming.
Harold, Elizabeth & Sylvie Koenigsberg
Mazal tov to all the honorees.
Anita Golbey & Lee Adlerstein
With tremendous appreciation to all the honorees!
And special kudos to Ellen and David who have contributed so much to the Minyan and our own lives. 
Judy Margolin, Seth Schwartz,
Ayelet & Jonah
We are marvelously delighted to help honor
Ellen and David, celebrating their deep
commitment to community and Tikkun Olam!
Mark, Kathy & Gary
Congratulations to Ellen Braitman & David Shapiro
on this honor.
Susie Levy & Al Racciatti
Matt & Colleen Kapklein
It is not the place that honors the person(s), but the
person(s) that honor their place! (Ta'anit, adapted)
Congratulations to all the honorees!
Deborah & Solomon Mowshowitz
Mazal tov to all the honorees.
Karen Palmer
Best to Tamy and Marty
From All of The Raiks
We are honored that
Vivian, Ellen & David, and Tamara & Marty
share their talents-and passions-with our community.
Thank you and mazal tov!
Melinda Gros & Ronald Werter
Thank you Martin Green for
all you do for the Sanctuary Service!
Sanctuary Service
כל ישראל ערבים זה לזה
All Israel is responsible for each other.
(Ritva Rosh Hashana 29a)
Tamara & Martin, Vivian, Ellen & David,
Thank you for all you have done to strengthen
our community through your service and
loving dedication to Ansche Chesed.
Amy Shapiro-Kessler
In honor of Tenor Martin Green,
a founding member of Shirei Chesed.
Shirei Chesed
Mazal tov to all the honorees.
Ian Shrank
All our honorees embody the rabbinic observation
that wise people who participate in synagogue
affairs give stability to that synagogue. (Mishpatim 2:1)
Best wishes to Tamy, Martin,
Vivian, Ellen, and David
Carol Ingall & Stephan Brumberg
The West Side Minyan and TeleTefila express our gratitude and admiration for the selfless ritual contributions of Martin and Tamara Green --
for Martin's expert davening and leyning skills and Tamara's wonderful Divrei Torah. They have both enriched our services over the long hard years of the pandemic. May they long continue their efforts
for us and the greater Ansche Chesed community.
Westside Minyan / TeleTefila
Mazal tov to all the honorees. With special gratitude
to David Shapiro and Ellen Braitman for wonderful
and provocative conversations on Shabbat mornings,
led by our cherished Rabbi Jeremy Kalmanofsky.
The Gardy-Mitchneck Family
Mazel Tov to all the honorees. Special gratitude
to Ellen Braitman and to David Shapiro,
who add provocative, dynamic conversation to our 
Rabbi Jules Harlow Parshat HaShavua Torah Study class led by our cherished Rabbi Jeremy Kalmonofsky.
Shabbat Morning Torah Study Class
Mazal Tov to all the honorees,
and a special thanks to Vivian
for walking me to school.
Rivkee Twersky-Kengmana
Mazal tov to all the honorees.
Michael Z. Wise
Mazal tov to all the honorees.
Bonnie Zaben
Congratulations to Ellen & David,
Tamara & Martin, and Vivian, with heartfelt
thanks for all that you do for the community.
Alan Divack & Amy Zarrow
Vivian, You are a TREASURE! I'm so proud
to call you my friend for over 55 years.
Am Yisrael Chai
Praying for the Return of the Hostages
With admiration,
Suzy & Michael Appelbaum
Mazal tov to all the honorees.
Bali / Stuart: In other words, 
Bali Miller & Stuart Klawans
Congratulations to Ellen Braitman & David Shapiro
on this honor.
Jerome Balsam
Mazal tov to all the honorees.
Bonnie Beck
Congratulations to
Ellen Braitman & David Shapiro on this honor.
Arthur Bialer
Mazal tov to all the honorees.
Cynthia Braslau
Mazal tov to all the honorees.
Sandy Edelman & Burt Visotzky
To my good new friend in music and Torah,
David Shapiro, and Ellen Braitman--
thank you both and Mazal tov!
Todd Chanko
Congratulations to our
dear friends Tamy & Marty.
Jane Head & Charlie Davidson
Mazal tov David and Ellen, two friends who lead
by example and set the bar high!
Howard & Ceci Bressler
Mazal tov to all the honorees.
Dan Friedman Consulting
Congratulations to Ellen Braitman & David Shapiro
on this honor.
Anna Greenberg & Dana Milbank
To our dear friends Ellen and David,
and to Vivian, Tamara and Martin, thank you
for your dedication to the Jewish people.
We are so inspired by you! Mazal tov!
Abby Sosland & Daryl Mazlish
Mazal tov to all the honorees.
Ben & Judith Dresher-Orlove
In honor of Ellen and David:
"Show me a family of readers, and I will
show you the people who move the world."
- Often attributed to Napoleon Bonaparte
Ellen's Reading Group
Kol Hakavod, Vivian! We are so deeply appreciative
of your integrity, foresight, and expertise. Ansche
Chesed will benefit from your contributions as
treasurer and trustee for years to come. It is a
privilege to serve with you and to call you our friend.
Dawn, Juliet, Stephanie, Bonnie & Laurie
I am grateful for your friendship, acceptance,
advice, and many smiles over my 15 years at
Ansche Chesed. Thank you for your devotion, leadership, and institutional knowledge to
our synagogue & our community.
Joel Feuer
Mazal tov to the honorees:
you are the pillars that hold up our community.
Robin Forman
Mazel tov to Ellen and David.
Jennifer, Josh, Adam, & Rona
Four of Six
Mazel tov to all of the honorees!
Thank you Ellen and David for all the ways
you have enriched the Maat community.
Lisa & David Gerwin
Congratulations to Vivian Mamelak on this honor.
Gail Gordon
Mazal tov to all the honorees.
Ken & Doris Gorfinkle

Mazal tov to our Aunt Tamy and Uncle Marty!
You both epitomize dedication and loving kindness to your family, friends and community. We love you very much and we share in the joy of your kavod.

Neal & Janet, Debbie & Michael,
Sharon & Ross, 
and your loving great nieces & nephews
Congratulations to Ellen Braitman & David Shapiro
on this honor.
Roger Gindi & Gregory Victor
Mazal tov to all the honorees.
Sidney Gribetz
Mazal tov to all the honorees.
Janet Leuchter & Hal Glicksman
Mazal tov to all the honorees.
Jeffrey Felmus & Hannah Leider
Congratulations to Ellen Braitman & David Shapiro
on this honor.
Terry Axelrod & Heather Shapiro
Congratulations to Tamara & Martin Green
on this honor.
Ariela Heilman
Mazal tov to all the honorees.
Anne & Leon Hoffman
Congratulations to Tamara & Martin Green
on this honor.
Iris Korman & Nos Sher
Congratulations to all of the honorees.
Terry Zisowitz & Jack Ott
Ellen, David, Vivian, Tamara, and Martin - each of
you is such an inspiration to us and the whole
Ansche Chesed Community. You give so much of
yourselves to sustain our spiritual, intellectual,
social, and experiences, as well as the financial
strength of the shul. Your warmth, caring, humor,
and dedication touch all of us. Thank you.
Jennifer Rosenberg & Gil Israeli
To David Shapiro and Ellen Braitman,
your enthusiasm and energy is contagious!
With appreciation,
Eva Fogelman & Jerome Chanes
Mazal tov to Ellen, David, Martin, and Tamy.
I spent wonderful years with
all of you at Ansche Chesed.
Jan Kaufman
Mazal tov to all of the honorees!
Thank you for all you've done over the years
to support the foundations of this community
we've all come to cherish.
Kathy Kendall
Congratulations to Tamara & Martin Green
on this honor.
Carole & Mike King
Mazal tov to all the honorees.
David & Susan Kraemer
Mazel tov to
Ellen Braitman & David Shapiro on this honor.
Deborah, Livia & Sammy
Mazal tov to all the honorees!
A special thank you to Tamy and Marty
for all their leyning over the years.
Sara Krulwich
Mazel tov to Tamy and Marty
on this wonderful honor!
Roberta, Bernard & Sarah Leiner
Congratulations to Ellen Braitman & David Shapiro
on this honor.
Mark & Tammy Matchen
Congratulations to Tamara & Martin Green
on this honor.
Morgan May
Congratulations to Ellen & David,
who exemplify service and community.
Libby & Glenn McGowan
Ellen & David, A curious person inquired, "What
kind of world is it that God would like to see when
looking down upon the world?" The response; "A
world filled with chesed, where people are able to feel
the needs of others as if they were their own needs."
This is precisely what both of you do! Mazal Tov
on this well deserved honor. We love you!
Julie & Russell Mednick-Simmons
Mazal tov to all the honorees.
Linda Messing
Mazel tov to Martin Green.
Thank you for your devotion
to the Morning Minyan.
Helen Singer & Mike Skliar
In honor of Tamara and Martin Green.
Best cousins ever! With admiration,
Cousin Anne Mintz
Congratulations to Vivian Mamelak on this honor.
Christopher C. Moore
Mazal tov to all the honorees.
Marlene Stulbach & Nathan Schleifer
Mazal tov to all the honorees, especially
Tamara and Martin Green. Thank you so much
for all you do for Rimonim, for Morning Minyan,
and for Ansche Chesed.
Michele Siegel & Oren Grad
Mazal tov to all the honorees.
Janet Heettner & Peter Silverman
Decades of dedication.
Many, many thank yous.
(Rabbi) Janise Poticha
With deep gratitude and appreciation
to all the honorees--
you build our community through kindness!
Cantor Natasha & Rabbi Shimon Hirschhorn
Mazal Tov Tamy & Marty, Vivian,
and Ellen & David.
Heartfelt thanks for all that you do
for our Ansche Chesed community.
Nancy Reibstein
MAZEL TOV to Tamara & Martin,
Vivian, and Ellen & David!
And a special Hakarat Hatov to Dawn Kellman 
for her exceptional leadership to our Kahal
for the past 3 years!
Erica Gruen & Richard Pravda
Mazel tov and todah rabah to
Ellen, David, Vivian, Tamara, and Martin.
This is a well deserved honor for everything
you've done for the Ansche Chesed community.
Suzan Rosen
Mazal Tov to all of the honorees -
Vivian, Tamy and Martin, Ellen and David -
for all that you do for our community!
Brad & Michele Rothschild
With admiration and appreciation we celebrate
all of the honorees. We cherish your friendship, leadership, and commitment to our community.
Ruth Lynn Frommer & Ken Amron
Congratulations to Vivian Mamelak on this honor.
Ira Salzman
Congratulations to Tamara & Martin Green
on this honor.
Janet Segal
If it were our dad writing this ad there would
have been a good joke here; alas, it is just
the daughters. We are so proud to have been
raised by the wonderful pillars of this community:
Ellen and David (mom and dad). All our love,
Lilith & Basha Shapiro
Congratulations to our wonderful honorees!
Martin Sinkoff, Gary Dreiblatt
& Nancy Sinkoff
Mazal tov to all the honorees.
Joyce Slochower
Mazal tov to all the honorees.
Diana Stevens
Congratulations to Ellen Braitman & David Shapiro
on this honor.
Susann & Douglas Sunshine
Old men forget: yet all shall be forgot,
But we'll remember with advantages
What feats DAVID SHAPIRO did.
And we in it shall be remember'd;
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers, we DAVIDS.

David Fisher, David Greenberg, 
David Kraemer, David Morris,
David Rosenn, & David Roskies
Anyone whose deeds exceed his wisdom, his wisdom is enduring, but anyone whose wisdom exceeds his deeds,
his wisdom is not enduring.
-Rabbi Hanina ben Dosa, Pirke Avot
Tamara & Martin, Ellen & David, and Vivian, your
wisdom is certain to endure. Thank you for giving
your time, sharing your expertise and knowledge,
and for leading our kahal in ways small and large.
Mazel Tov from,
The Executive Committee
Thank you, David, for your many years of service!
With gratitude from,
The Personnel Committee
Congratulations Ellen and David
חזק חזק נתחזק
Because of you
Elana Weinberg
Mazel tov to the Doctors Green, who incidentally
can also add Outstanding Aunt and Uncle to their
long list of accomplishments.
With love and nachas,
Your Nieces Rachel, Robin & Ilana
Mazal tov to Ellen and David
for a well-deserved honor.
Randy Zelin