Vivian Mamelak
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Vivian Mamelak has been a member of Ansche Chesed for over 20 years. She was introduced to the synagogue by fellow honorees Ellen Braitman and David Shapiro and has never looked back. Vivian, her husband, Al, and their daughter, Leena, feel incredibly fortunate to have made this community their home for the past two decades. Vivian is currently serving as the synagogue Treasurer and has been on the Board of Trustees for so long that she can’t even remember a time when she wasn’t. She has also chaired the synagogue’s Sanctuary Service Committee and spearheaded the incredible Shabbat Together program. 

Outside of Ansche Chesed, Vivian serves on the Investment Sub-Committee for the American Society of Friends, has served on the Network Allocations Committee at UJA/Federation, and is a past chair of the Hebrew Free Loan Society. She also teaches financial literacy to high school students and formerly homeless adults in the City. 
When not donating her time, Vivian can be found at RBC Wealth Management, where she works as a financial advisor to individuals, families, and foundations. She holds an MBA in Finance from Columbia Business School and a BA in the History of Religion from Haverford College, where she was in the first class of women to be admitted to the college. She is a committed morning exerciser, an avid skier and biker, and can often be found roaming Central Park with her family dog, Dimitri. 
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