Message from the President
Dear Friends,
I’m excited to invite you to attend Ansche Chesed’s 2024 gala, where we’ll be recognizing the leadership of Tamara & Martin Green; Vivian Mamelak; and Ellen Braitman & David Shapiro.  Our honorees have built the foundation on which our thriving community now stands and their work sets us up for success going forward.
Not only were Tamy & Marty part of the rebirth of Ansche Chesed in the late 70’s, but they’ve continued to be central to our communal life for decades. Tamy routinely visits sick and hospitalized members when they’re at their most vulnerable. Marty is the driving force behind our daily morning minyan. They lead davvening, leyn, and give divrei Torah on Shabbat and holidays in the Sanctuary. Tamy & Marty show up for others in good times and bad.
Vivian found her home at Ansche Chesed in 2005. She chaired the Sanctuary Service Committee, coordinated leyning, produced our “Welcome to Ansche Chesed'' brochure, and organized ShabbaTogether, a Shabbat home hospitality extravaganza. But I know Vivian best in her capacity as Treasurer. Over the past three years, I’ve come to rely on Vivian’s wisdom and counsel. She encourages us to think strategically; under her careful stewardship, Ansche Chesed is thoughtfully deploying our resources to meet the needs of our growing kahal.  
“A loyal, reliable and hardworking supporter or participant in an organization or team.” That’s how the dictionary defines stalwart, and if I add in creative, thoughtful and passionate, I can begin to describe Ellen & DavidThis power couple is central to the life of Minyan M’at. David’s refrain? “Ask me and I’ll say yes.” Whether they’re MC’ing an online Purim celebration during the pandemic, planning compelling high holidays services, or working on complicated communal matters, David & Ellen step up and do what needs to be done.
A big yasher koach to our talented gala co-chairs, Patty Goldman & Judith Turner, and their hard-working team: Marla Gayle, Kathy Kendall, Sara Krulwich, Ron Meyers, Jerry Raik, Dina Rosenfeld, Nicole Rothschild, Melanie Schneider, Elana Weinberg, and Debra Weinstein. They’re planning a celebratory evening for us all to enjoy.
Please join me in expressing our appreciation to these stellar leaders by attending the gala and taking out a congratulatory journal ad.  Your participation matters!
Dawn Kellman
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