Mark Paul
Guest of Honor
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Mark and Naomi joined Ansche Chesed when they moved to Manhattan in July of 2012. One of the first activities they attended was a Shabbat dinner and were immediately welcomed and included by many. They felt blessed to have made close friends so quickly and rarely missed Shabbat services if they were in town. AC was the first shul they visited and they were inspired by Rabbi Kalmanofsky and loved Hazzan Hirschhorn’s davening so they never felt the need to look elsewhere.

Mark took on leadership roles within a short time. He was leyning coordinator for the Sanctuary Service, served on the Board of Trustees and was Chair of the Membership Committee. On the Board he served as Secretary for 3 years and then President for 3 years. Naomi also became involved as she served on several Tribute Committees and lobbied for healthy options for the weekly kiddush.

Mark’s passion and goals were to make AC a spiritual home for “Joyful Judaism”. He embodied that in heart and soul. Mark always has a smile on his face and is the most welcoming person you will ever know. In his own words he wanted Ansche Chesed to be “a place where Jewish connections and friendships would grow and thrive through attending Shabbat services, the learning and adult education, celebrating holidays and simchas, attending social gatherings that were meaningful and fun, adult and family programming and performing mitzvot.” He instituted the New Member Welcome bags, our Welcome- Ask me about AC program badges on Shabbat mornings and our Shabbat together program.

As President, Mark had many unusual challenges and our community stepped up to address each one. In the aftermath of the Pittsburgh shooting, AC hosted a community gathering at AC with well over 1500 people in the synagogue and in the street. As a result of this and increasing concerns for the safety of the community, during his tenure a Security Committee was established, a building wide security assessment was performed, and security was made a priority. When Covid hit, the Executive Committee needed to figure out how we could continue to stay a vibrant shul while being apart. Mark’s leadership kept the shul strong with membership and finances staying stable, and a Re-opening Committee was established that continues to guide us through the covid re-opening process for services and kiddushim. And lastly, the Rav Chesed Capital Campaign was successfully launched under Mark’s presidency. Meeting any one of these challenges would be a significant accomplishment. To have done all just shows what a lasting effect Mark’s leadership will have on the community in years to come.

Mark and Naomi have 2 children – Aleeza (Andy) and Ari (Jenny) and 5 adorable grandchildren – Yakir, Reeva, Tehilla, Ruby and Tessa. The families loved coming to Ansche Chesed and were greeted so warmly when they visited. We will miss all of them and especially Mark and Naomi as they begin their new adventure in Florida.

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