Until you truly need your community,
you never know how amazing it is.
We extend out heartfelt appreciation to all of you
who have been with us during this difficult time.
We are happy to share this honor with
Jennifer Cowan, Dan Jacob and Martin Sinkoff.
Marilyn and Larry Levi
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Ann and Ira Cohen
Mazel tov to our fellow honorees--
Martin Sinkoff & Marilyn & Larry Levi
who share our commitment to
sustaining this kehillah kedosha.
We thank Minyan M'at for creating
such a wonderful community.
Jennifer Cowan, Dan Jacob,
Abigail, and Benjamin
In honor of our Marilyn and Larry ,
You are the world's kindest, most altruistic, hard-working people
we know. Ever committed to the preservation of the Jewish community
at large, you have instilled in your kids a love of Jewish learning
and education, and an understanding of its tremendous value.
Our family unites and revolves around you and the traditions
you've passed down from your parents, and every single day
we are inspired by you and strive to emulate your lead.
We can think of no better team more worthy and deserving
of this honor than our own Gamma and Papa Levi.
With much love and admiration,
Jeffrey, Julie, Wendy, Richard, Ilyssa,
Benjamin, Rachel, Amanda and Sara
Mazel tov to our friends
Jennifer Cowan and Dan Jacob!
Lori Zeltser & Len Berman
Sam, Jonah & Alex
Yasher Koach to
Martin, Jen, Dan, Marilyn & Larry!
Thank you for everything you do
to support and inspire
the Ansche Chesed community
Navah and Robert Frost
Mazal tov to
Martin, Jennifer, Dan, Marilyn and Larry,
on this incredible honor.
We are grateful to you for all you do
to strengthen and enliven
the various Ansche Chesed communities.
Thank you.
With love,
Jenny and Greg
The Board of Trustees
honors, congratulates and thanks
Marilyn and Larry Levi
Jennifer Cowan and Dan Jacob
Martin Sinkoff
for their countless contributions
to our congregation and community.
Board of Trustees
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Frances Degen Horowitz
Mazel Tov to all the honorees!
We appreciate and are so proud
of all you have done for Ansche Chesed
and for the greater community.
Pearl Beck and David Fisher
Martin, Jennifer, Dan,
Marilyn, Larry,
Our heartfelt gratitude
for your ongoing commitment
to Ansche Chesed and the community.
Ken Amron and Ruthie Frommer
With much love and esteem for
fabulous community and moral leaders
Jen Cowan & Dan Jacob,
Larry & Marilyn Levi
and our outstanding
President Martin Sinkoff
-- we wish you well in Tel Aviv!
Jeremy and Amy Kalmanofsky
Mazal tov and thank you
for your friendship and leadership
at Ansche Chesed.
Elana and Greg
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Michael Mantel
Mazal Tov to all the honorees
Lisa and Yaron Minsky-Primus
Congratulations to our
beloved minyan members
Jen Cowan
Dan Jacob
Martin Sinkoff
We are filled with admiration
and gratitude for all that you do
for the minyan,
the shul, the world.
From Minyan M'at
AC's Morning Minyan (And Breakfast Club)
Larry & Marilyn, Dan & Jen, and Martin
Kol Ha Kavod
Mazel Tov to all of our Honorees
Martin Sinkoff
Dan Jacob and Jennifer Cowan
Larry and Marilyn Levi
We appreciate all you
have done for our community
Naomi and Mark Paul
With great respect, admiration,
and thanks to all the honorees
for what you do for our community.
Sharri Posen
Congratulations to
Jennifer Cowan
Dan Jacob
on this honor
The Rose Family
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Lori Cohen and Christopher Rothko
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Ruth and Ira Salzman
Mazal Tov
Marilyn and Larry, Martin,
Jen and Dan
You have each helped
the AC Community in your own ways.
We thank you for your efforts and look forward
to many more years of your involvement. Roberta and Paul Shapiro
Mazal tov to
Jennifer, Dan, Martin, Marilyn & Larry
on being honored.
Thank you for all you have done
for this sacred community.
William Plevan
and Sara Shapiro-Plevan
Dan and Jen, family we have chosen
Martin, our valued friend Marilyn and Larry, pillars of the community We are thrilled to honor and celebrate you all. Janet Heettner and Peter Silverman
With gratitude and appreciation
to the entire congregation, clergy
and staff of Ansche Chesed
and with delight to share honors with
Jen Cowan, Dan Jacob,
Larry and Marilyn Levi.
Martin Sinkoff
!צאתך בשלום
Go in peace, and come back often to visit!
To our dearest Brother, Uncle
and all-around terrific guy,
we salute you in receiving
this most well-deserved honor.
With much much love,
~~ Nancy, Gary, Richard, Ezra,
Miriam, Reuben, Jim, Sally,
Noah, and Emma
Mazal Tov to
Martin, Jen, Dan, Marilyn and Larry!
With Gratitude for your Dedication
to Ansche Chesed and Klal Yisrael .
May you continue to go
from Strength to Strength !!!
Ann Wimpfheimer and Eddie Snyder
Expressing our gratitude
to all the honorees
for your stewardship of
the Ansche Chesed community,
which remains close to our hearts.
Deborah B. Shapira
Barry L. Stern
Mazal tov all of tonight's honorees,
and thanks for all your good work
for our shul and our community!
And special love to Dan and Jen,
who are such a big part of
what makes Ansche Chesed a home for our family
Elisheva, David,
Avital, Ronit, and Yemima
Thanks to all of you
for your commitment,
for your generosity,
and for your contribution
to our community.
Mazal tov.
Nach and Maron Waxman
Congratulations to
Jennifer Cowan and Dan Jacob
on this honor
Isabel, Parker, Harrison,
Rebecca, Alexandra, and David
Mazal Tov to
Martin Sinkoff
Jen Cowan and Dan Jacob
Larry and Marilyn Levi
With heartfelt gratitude for the many ways
that you give of yourselves and for your devotion
to making Ansche Chesed the warm
and growing community that it is today.
Kol ha Kavod!
The Sanctuary Service Community
to Marilyn and Larry Levi
From all of us
@ The Appletree Market
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Nancy and Walter Dubler
Mazal Tov to all the Honorees
and many thanks to
for his leadership
and dedication.
Esther and Richard Cantor
Mazal to to the honorees
and thank you for your amazing service
to our community!
Ariela Dubler and Jesse Furman
Congratulations to our dear friends;
Martin, Larry and Marilyn,
Dan and Jen
for all you do for us.
With lots of love,
Claudia and Josh
Congratulations to Jennifer Cowan,
Dan Jacob and Martin Sinkoff.
Your special talents and commitment to
our sacred tradition
have made a major contribution
to our Minyan M'at family.
Rav Todot,
Jules and Navah Harlow
Marilyn & Larry,
and Jennifer & Dan
all make Ansche Chesed
a TRUE community of CHESED.
Miriam Harris-Kaplan
and George Kaplan
Congratulations to
Marilyn and Larry Levi
on this honor
Peter and Maria Mamais
Congratulations and Thank You
to Our Honorees: Martin Sinkoff Dan Jacob & Jennifer Cowan Marilyn & Larry Levi
for their dedication to the success of Ansche Chesed
May you and Ansche Chesed
go from strength to strength.
Ronald and Elaine Morris
Minyan Rimonim
Joyfully salutes the contributions of
Martin Sinkoff, Marilyn and Larry Levi,
and Jennifer Cowan and Dan Jacob
to Ansche Chesed!
May you go from strength to strength.
Mazal tov!
Michael Brochstein, Elysa Dauerman & Menachem Pastreich,
Ellen Flax, Rachel Givner & David Isaacson, Jeremy Goldman
& Valerie Wald, Iris J. Korman & Nos Sher, Cecile Kuznitz,
Dennis Sandler, Michele Siegel, Shalom Stavsky,
Ilana and Steven Wallach, Larry Warmflash
And you shall explain to your children
on that evening, "it is because of what these
people did for us that we honor them."
Yasher koach
Martin, Dan, Jen, Marilyn and Larry
Howard Berkowitz
and Dina Rosenfeld
From B'nai Jeshurun, we honor
Martin, Dan and Jennifer,
all of whom we have known and admired
for years, and Marilyn and Larry,
who must be exceptionally haimish
and estimable in order to be
in the same company
Isaac Finkle and Kim Shafer
The Executive Committee thanks
Dan Jacob and Jennifer Cowan
Martin Sinkoff
Larry and Marilyn Levi
for their ongoing contributions and steadfast commitment to Ansche Chesed. Congratulations! Executive Committee
Some people come to shul to talk to God.
We come to shul to talk to Dan and Jen.
Mazal tov to them! The Back Benchers
Congratulations to all of the honorees.
A special mazal tov to our dear friends
Marilyn and Larry Levi.
You are both very special people
and an inspiration to us all.
We love you and the entire family.
Marvin and Galya Benak
Larry Levi
The Blau Family
Rob, Leora, Justin,
Madison, and Michael
Thank you for all you do for
Ansche Chesed
Donna Fishman and Steven Cohen
Yasher koach!
Jennifer and Dan!
The Cowan-Cohen Family
Ruth Cowan
The Cowan-Katzman Family
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Howard Eisenberg
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Scott and Nina Fine
Mazl tov,
Larry and Marilyn,
Jennifer and Dan,
on this well-deserved honor!
Cantor Janet Leuchter
and Hal Glicksman
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Fran Gordon
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Stacey, Neil, Maor, Noa
and Maya Gordon-Guterman
Kol Ha-kavod to
Marilyn and Larry,
Jen and Dan,
and Martin
Martin and Tamara Green
Congratulations to
Martin Sinkoff
Marilyn & Larry Levi
Dan Jacob & Jennifer Cowan
on this honor
Debra and Martin Greenberg
The world is built through kindness
(Psalm 89:3)
Mazal tov to all the honorees
whose kindness and generosity make a big difference
for Ansche Chesed and the wider world.
May you continue to go from strength
to strength!
Cantor Natasha
and Rabbi Shimon Hirschhorn
Congratulations to
Marilyn and Larry Levi
on this well deserved honor.
Warm regards
Elliot Horowitz
We celebrate our wonderful friends
Jen Cowan and Dan Jacob
along with all the honorees
and the Ansche Chesed community,
clergy and staff.
Tal Kastner and Ivan Lehon
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Nicole Duval and Elai Katz
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Bali Miller and Stuart Klawans
Mazel tov to all the honorees
and thank you for your
dedication to our community.
Lisa, Michael, Noah,
Daniel and Gabe
Congratulations to
Martin Sinkoff
on this honor
Stef and Mary Krieger
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Sarah Jacobs and David Kronfeld
Mazal tov,
in deep appreciation
to the honorees
Dana Kurzweil and Irwin Kula
Mazal Tov to all
the honorees.
With special appreciation and
gratitude to
Jen Cowan, Dan Jacob
and Martin Sinkoff.
Marlene Stulbach and Nathan Schleifer
Mazal tov to all the honorees
and a special shout out to Martin,
our fellow Shabbat Study companion and friend.
Martin, we will miss your insightful comments
and your sense of style.
We raise a proverbial glass to you and wish you
all good things on this next leg of your adventure!
Judy and Oren
In honor of our dear friend,
Martin Sinkoff.
The language of friendship is
not words but meanings.
-Henry David Thoreau
Ellen Braitman David,
Lilith & Basha Shapiro
Jen/Dan, Marilyn/Larry
and Martin
Thank you for all that you have done
to help create such a vibrant
and supportive community.
Lori and Michael
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Pamela and Adam Sohn
We honor
Larry and Marilyn, Dan and Jennifer, and Martin
for all you do for our shul.
ארכה מארץ מדה ורחבה מני-ים
The Torah is "As immeasurably long as the earth and even wider than the ocean," [Job 11:9]
So is our love and respect for you!
Wednesday Evening Talmud Class
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Sandy Edelman and Burt Visotzky
The West Side Minyan
salutes the honorees!
Thank you for all you have done
for our community.
Mazal Tov, Todah Rabah,
Warmest Wishes!
Mazal tov to
Martin, Jen and Dan,
Marilyn and Larry.
With gratitude
for all you've contributed
to Ansche Chesed.
Michael Wise
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Bonnie Zaben
Congratulations to our
friends, community leaders
and culinary authorities
Alan Divack and Amy Zarrow
Congratulations to
Marilyn and Larry Levi
on this honor
David and Lubin Akhtar
Congratulations to
Martin Sinkoff
on this honor
Peter Bernholz
Congratulations to
Marilyn and Larry Levi
on this honor
Hal, Barbra, Marc, Peggy,
and Jason Blum
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Seth and Cheryl Bressman
To two brilliant people
who give so much
to their community.
David and Eleanor Brode
With gratitude for the leadership
of our wonderful
Martin Sinkoff
Dan Jacob and Jennifer Cowan
Larry and Marilyn Levi
Shifra Bronznick
Congratulations to
Martin Sinkoff
on this honor
Richard and Philippa Cacciato
To all the honorees,
but, a special shout out to
Marilyn and Larry Levi.
Health and happiness.
Suzanne and Mayer Cavalier
Mazel Tov to all the honorees
Ava and Bruce Soffer
Chefs Table Kosher Catering
Thanks for all of your good efforts
on behalf of our community!
Martin - tzetchem l'shalom!
With fondness,
Miriam and Benyamin
Marilyn & Larry, Martin,
Dan & Jennifer
Congratulations on this well deserved honor.
May you go from strength to strength.
Vivian Mamelak and Alain Demers
Mazel tov to you all!
And thank you for all your hard work
on behalf of Ansche Chesed.
Ace Leveen and Arnie Eisen
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Sara Bucholtz
Rabbi Adam Feldman
In honor of
Martin, Jennifer, and Dan:
sustainers of our community.
Hugh Smyser and Robin Forman
Congratulations to
Martin Sinkoff
on this honor
Lawrence Gabe
Yasher Koach!
Martin, Dan and Jen
Many thanks for all that you bring
to our community. Melanie Schneider and Marla Gayle
With much gratitude
for the entire synagogue leadership
Lee Adlerstein and Anita Gobley
Congratulations to
all the honorees
Michele Siegel and Oren Grad
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Sarah and Scott Harris
A special salute to
Martin Sinkoff
as he embarks on
a life-enriching adventure!
Susan and Peter Hellman
Mazal tov to all the honorees
The Kallman Family
Congratulations to
Marilyn and Larry Levi
on this honor
Takis and Vaso Katsoulis
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Avery and Wendy Katz
Dear Larry and Marilyn,
To two wonderful individuals
who have had the great blessing of family. Michael and Rita Katz
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Ruth and Jacob Kaufman
Mazal tov to
Jennifer, Dan and Martin
and the other honorees.
Shirley and Edward Kornreich
Congratulations to
Marilyn and Larry Levi
on this honor
Alix and Ira Krell
Mazal tov to
all the honorees
Deborah Krohn
Congratulations to
Marilyn and Larry Levi
on this honor
Michael DiStefano
L & M Dairy
Larry & Marilyn,
Congratulations to the most dedicated couple
we know and love.
Linda Levi and Barbara,
John, JB and Katie Lankalis
Who finds a faithful friend,
finds a treasure
--Ben Sira 6:14
For Larry and Marilyn
Aliya, Paul, Linda,
Anne, Martin, Tamara,
Sheldon and Sheila
Mazal tov to
all the honorees
Bruce Levine and Abby Levy
Congratulations to
Martin Sinkoff
on this honor
Judith Edelstein and Jim Meier
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Lenore and Ken Michaels
Martin, Mazel Tov on this Great
and Well Deserved Honor!
(Sorry that I will not be there to
celebrate with you in person)
"L'Chaim & L'Hitraot"
Mazel Tov to all the honorees,
Jennifer Cowan, Dan Jacob,
Marilyn and Larry Levi
and Martin Sinkoff.
May this be only the first of many honors!
Solomon and Deborah Mowshowitz
Mazal Tov on this well deserved honor!
May you continue doing great things
wherever you are.
I look forward to greeting you in Israel.
Gary Ambrose
Personal Capital Management
In honor of
Larry and Marilyn Levi
Elias Rauch
Mazel tov to
Jen Cowan, Dan Jacob
and Martin Sinkoff
on receiving this honor.
Your service to
the Ansche Chesed community
is a model for us all.
Sharon and Michael Rebell
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Sidney Gribetz and Rebecca Reitz
Mazal tov to all the honorees
The Mann/Rosenblatt Family
Congratulations to
Marilyn and Larry Levi
on this honor
S.C. Horn Associates, Inc.
Marilyn and Larry,
We, your family from far away, wish you
a big Mazal Tov on a well-deserved honor.
Every person we met from Ansche Chesed
adores you both and sings your praises.
You both are an inspiration to us all.
Ansche Chesed is lucky to have you
as part of their community.
Rae and Don Santman
Thank you to all the honorees
for your service to Ansche Chesed.
A special shout out to
Marilyn and Larry
for operating a neighborhood business
that exemplifies the highest values
of Jewish life in their respect
and fair treatment of employees and customers.
Jane Spinak and Warren Scharf
Marilyn and Larry
Mazel tov on this wonderful honor.
May we continue sharing smachot
with health and brachot until 120.
See you at the beach
Ronnie and Andy Schonzeit
Many thanks to our honorees
for their service to the community.
Eric Fishman
Shuly Rubin Schwartz
Mazal tov to all the honorees!
A special congratulations to our friends
and fellow back benchers,
Dan Jacob and Jen Cowan.
We love you!
Judith Margolin and Seth Schwartz
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Ruth Sharfman
To our friends Dan and Jen:
who show up with Chinese food at all the right moments,
who get excited about all of our successes,
who generously share their children,
who demonstrate their tremendous values
with their actions, and who make baked goods
better than Mary Berry
Mazel tov!
Merav, Ian, Yona, and Marcus
Mazel tov to
Marilyn & Larry Levi,
Martin Sinkoff, and
Jennifer Cowan & Dan Jacob
on this honor.
The Sirota Family
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Linda and Mark Stellman
Congratulations to
Martin Sinkoff
on this honor
Aviva Weintraub
Mazal tov to all the honorees.
Martin, we wish you a wonderful,
expansive "next chapter."
Your presence and warmth
will be missed!
Diane Dreher & Larry Amsel
In honor of
Jennifer and Dan,
Marilyn and Larry,
With great appreciation
for all that you do
to make Ansche Chesed
a special community.
The Programming Committee
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Vivian Awner
Congratulations to
Jennifer Cowan and Dan Jacob
on this honor
Dennis, Ruth and Yardena
Bar Eden and Allon
Congratulations to
Martin Sinkoff
on this honor
Lucy Bernholz
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Carol Ingall and Stephan Brumberg
Congratulations to
Jennifer Cowan and Dan Jacob
on this honor
Tajlei Levis and Jonathan Canter
Congratulations to
Martin Sinkoff
on this honor
Joseph D'Ambrosio
Mazel tov to
Martin Sinkoff
on this well deserved honor! Mark Dursztman
Congratulations to
Jennifer Cowan and Dan Jacob
on this honor
Ronald and Rebecca Eiseman
Mazal Tov to all the honorees.
Rita Falbel
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Leslie and Tom Freudenheim
Congratulations to
Martin Sinkoff
on this honor
Alan Frishman
Mazal tov to
Jen, Dan, and Martin,
fellow Maat-niks on this well-deserved honor
Barry Holtz and Bethamie Horowitz
Congratulations to
Martin Sinkoff
on this honor
Nancy and Larry Immerman
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Celia Reiss and David Israel
May we all go
from strength to strength
on the shoulders of
these inspiring contributors
to our community.
Jennifer Rosenberg and Gil Israeli
Congratulations to
Martin Sinkoff
on this honor
Judy Bass and Jack Levy
Congratulations to
Marilyn and Larry Levi
on this honor
Nancy and Robert Kalmus
Martin - wishing you
our sincere congratulations
regarding this special recognition,
but know that your talent and kindness
has long been recognized by us already.
With love and pride,
James and Libby Kelly
Mazel tov to Martin Sinkoff!
Thank you for all you have contributed.
We wish you great joy
in your next adventure.
All our love,
Stephanie and Ilya Kofman
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Judith Berman and David Kohn
Congratulations to
Marilyn and Larry Levi
on this honor
Rita Krell
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Darren and Jill Kronenberg
Congratulations to
Marilyn and Larry Levi
on this honor
Rachel and Haskell Landau
Congratulations to
Jennifer Cowan and Dan Jacob
on this honor
Suzanne and Barry Langman
Congratulations to
Marilyn and Larry Levi
on this honor
Lantev Distributing Corp.
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Nancy and Douglas Lee
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Judith Shulevitz
Nicholas Lemann
Mazal Tov to all our wonderful honorees.
They are all truly an example of love, care,
joy and people of great dedication to
our wonderful shul and the people who make up
our Ansche Chesed community.
Wishing them all a wonderful evening
and thank you so much for what you bring to all of us.
Carolyn Wolf and Bob Leventhal
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Andy Braiterman
Ronne Mandelker
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Naomi Marcus
Mazal Tov to
Martin, Jen, Dan, Marilyn, and Larry
I'm so happy for all of you!
Jocelyn Maskow
Mazal Tov to
Jennifer and Dan
and all the honorees!
Ariel Zwang and Gordon Mehler
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Linda Messing
Congratulations to our dear friends
Jen, Dan and Martin
on this well deserved honor.
!כל הכבוד
Carolyn Cohen and Ruby Namdar
Congratulations to
Jennifer Cowan and Dan Jacob
on this honor
Michael and Sara Paasche-Orlow
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Deborah Rosenthal and Jed Perl
Congratulations Martin,
Much Love!
Lyn Perlmuth
Congratulations to
Martin Sinkoff
on this honor
Philippe Quien
Warmest congratulations
to our friends
Marilyn and Larry
Barrie and Jerry Raik
Mazal tov to our wonderful honorees
Martin Sinkoff, Jennifer Cowan and Dan Jacob,
and with extra love and gratitude
to my Sanctuary Service friends
Marilyn and Larry Levi
for the kindness, warmth, generosity
and joy that you
share with such ease and grace. Nancy Reibstein
Mazal tov to all the honorees!
Kathy Kendall and Suzan Rosen
Our dear and treasured friends,
Marilyn and Larry,
we hope to share many more events,
meals, trips, learning, praying together.
Mazal tov on this well deserved honor.
Renee Barocas & Jack Rosenbaum
Mazal Tov to all the honorees
with a special thanks
to Martin
for your inspired leadership.
Michele Sachar and Brad Rothschild
Congratulations to
Martin Sinkoff
on this honor
Nancy Rugus
Congratulations to
Martin Sinkoff
on this honor
Soonae Sakow
Congratulations to
Martin Sinkoff
on this honor
Laurent Sarazin
To our good friends
Marilyn and Larry
Mazel tov and yasher koach!
May you continue sharing
your friendship and warmth
with the Ansche Chesed community
for many years to come.
Elizabeth and Joe Schefler
Congratulations to
Marilyn and Larry Levi
on this honor
Myrna Breitman and Bob Schrier
Congratulations to
Marilyn and Larry Levi
on this honor
Wendy and Alden Smith
Congratulations to
Jennifer Cowan and Dan Jacob
on this honor
The Starr/Siegel Family
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Albert Gal and Arleen Stern
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Diana Stevens
Congratulations to our dear friend,
Martin, for a recognition
as estimable as it is well-deserved.
Helen and Frank Stevenson
Congratulations to
all our honorees!
Melinda Gros and Ronald Werter
Thanks for all your good works!
Aviva and Allen Zweben
Martin and Joan Adickman
Louise Applebome
Adina, Dan, Anabella, Sam and Jack Barocas
Stanley Baumblatt
Harold Blau
Joan Davidow
James and Sue DiCicco
Gail and Marshall Eisen
Mary Feinberg
Deborah Garber
Allen Kadish and Jose Garcia
Margaret Goldwater
Nancy Greenbaum
Richard Pravda and Erica Gruen
David Charytan and Shoshana Jacobs
Rachel, Mike, Isabel, Aviva, and Ethel Jacobs
Nos Sher and Iris Korman
Ian Kross
Elizabeth, Mordechai, Benjamin, Lily and Vivian Kubany
Fred Mansbach and Toni Landau
Edie and Jeff Levene
Lauren and Rob Mank
Leah and Larry Moss
Eve Orlow
David and Jennie Rosenn
Rochelle G. Saidel
Fredric Schneider and Marcia Talmage Schneider
Anna Silverman
Helen and Arnold Suchow
Terry Zisowitz