President's Greeting
Martin Sinkoff, President

I am thrilled to welcome you to our Tribute Dinner this year honoring Martin Sinkoff, Jennifer Cowan and Dan Jacob, and Marilyn and Larry Levi. I love our Tribute Dinner. By acknowledging our honorees, we express our gratitude and recognize the contributions they have made to our shul and our community. And by honoring them, we also celebrate all of us whose membership and contributions and participation in the life of AC in so many different ways assure our continuing growth and vitality.


Martin is our immediate Past President. He has served as a Board of Trustee and Executive Committee Member, a Marketing Committee member, and on the Chevra Kadisha. He also served on Minyan M'at's Troika. Martin's deep caring for the membership of Ansche Chesed was reflected in his wise and disciplined guidance as President on numerous important issues impacting the congregation. Especially noteworthy is his leadership and foresight on security well before recent events. On a personal note, I am deeply appreciative of Martin mentoring me the year before I became President.


Jennifer Cowan and Dan Jacob have years of service to Ansche Chesed. Both have served on the Board of Trustees. Dan was on the M'at Troika and has served as its Gabbatical Coordinator. Jen has led the Greening Committee, and spearheaded important initiatives including the Riverside Park clean-up and the household goods "Give & Get" event which enables less fortunate members of our neighborhood to have access to household goods and appliances.


Ever present at Shabbat Services and Ansche Chesed programs, and always ready to extend a friendly greeting to members and visitors alike, Marilyn and Larry Levi truly embody the warm and welcoming spirit that we strive to create at Ansche Chesed. Recognizing the importance of kiddush to building relationships and community, Marilyn and Larry jump started our kiddush when it needed a boost, and kiddush continues to be an important community builder for our shul. They volunteer their time and resources to support the community and have often been privately generous to those who have needed a helping hand.


Our Tribute Committee cannot be thanked enough. We are deeply appreciative of the hard work it takes to make our Tributes a success, Chairperson Janet Heettner, and committee members Naomi Paul, Nancy Reibstein, Nancy Sinkoff, Carolyn Reinach Wolf and Celia Reiss. Our Tribute Dinner is an important event for us. Thanks to all for making this year's Tribute a wonderful success.


Thank you



Mark Paul


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