In Celebration of the
Ansche Chesed Community
"The first person plural form of almost all
Jewish prayer reflects the fact that we stand
in prayer together with Jews of all places
in our time and of all centuries in our distinctive history."
-Rabbi Jules Harlow
Judith Shulevitz, Nicholas Lemann
Alex, Theo, Moses, and Josephine
Kol Ha Kavod
to the honorees
for their good deeds Frances Degen Horowitz
Mazal Tov
to all the honorees
Alon, Luciana,
Beni and Roni Lederman
Mazal Tov to our fellow honorees:
Navah and Jules
Brad and Michele Judith Shulevitz and Nicholas Lemann
Navah and Jules
Judith and Nick
Michele and Brad
Mazel Tov and Thanks
Your example
makes our community
The Lyss Family
Congratulations to
Michele Sachar and Brad Rothschild
on this honor.
We love you!
Mom, Ron, Nicole, Lenny,
Gianine and Gavin
With gratitude and
admiration to the honorees,
Rabbi Jules and Navah,
Judith and Nicholas,
Michele and Brad
Mazal Tov! Esther and Richard Cantor
To our dear friends
and fellow congregants,
Thank you
for your leadership
and your love
of the Jewish people.
Jane Eisner, Mark Berger
and family
Congratulations to
Nick Leman and Judith Shulevitz
and the other honorees,
and thanks to Rabbi Kalmanofsky
for his Shabbat morning study class,
and to its regular attendees.
Kim Leslie Shafer & Isaac Finkle
Mazal Tov and Thanks to our Honorees-
Rabbi Jules & Navah,
Judith & Nick,
Brad & Michelle
for all you have done
to make Ansche Chesed
such a wonderful community!
Pearl Beck and David Fisher
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Lloyd and Margaret Frank
Mazal Tov to all the honorees
Navah and Robert Frost
Mazal Tov
to all of the honorees
and thank you
for all that you do
for our community!
Ariella Dubler and Jesse Furman
לא מקומו של אדם מכבדו אלא אדם מכבד את מקומו
תענית כא, ב
"It is not that a place bestows honor on the people who live there,
but rather the people who live there confer honor on their place."
(Talmud Taanit 21b)
Thank you Brad and Michelle
Judith and Nick, Jules and Navah
We and everyone at Ansche Chesed are honored
that our honorees honor us, by dwelling here.
Jeremy and Amy Kalmanofsky
תפוחי זהב, במשכיות כסף
"Like apples of gold in settings of silver"
(Prov 25:11)
In your words and your deeds, you build up our community
All honor and blessings to our Maat friends
Jules and Navah Harlow,
Judith Shulevitz and Nicholas Lemann
and to our AC friends
Brad Rothschild and Michele Sachar
Minyan Maat
Mazal Tov to all the honorees
Lori Cohen and Chris Rothko
With gratitude and love to
Congregation Ansche Chesed
for welcoming us to this community
and for bestowing this honor upon us.
Michele, Brad, Jordan,
Talia and Mia Rothschild
With love and appreciation to
our dear friends and teachers,
Jules and Navah
Eric and Shuly
Mazal Tov to all the honorees,
thank you for everything you do
to build community at Ansche Chesed
Ruth and Ira Salzman
Congratulations to our dear friends,
Michele Sachar and Brad Rothschild
and to all of the honorees
on this well deserved honor.
We continue to be inspired by
your leadership and commitment
to the Jewish Community.
The Scheinmann Family
In gratitude to
Jules and Navah
for their leadership
and inspiration. Ellen Braitman and David Shapiro
Mazal Tov to Navah, Jules,
Michele, Brad, Judith and Nicholas
and thank you for all you do
for this sacred community.
Bill Plevan
Sara Shapiro-Plevan
Thank you Brad and Michele;
Jules and Navah; Nick and Judith,
for your unwavering service
to our congregation.
With congratulations
and greatest appreciation.
Martin Sinkoff, President
With deep appreciation to our dear friends
and fellow congregants
Rabbi Jules and Navah, Judith
and Nick Michele and Brad
Thanks for all that you do
for Ansche Chesed and Klal Yisrael
May you all continue to go
from Strength to Strength B'vracha
Ann Wimpfheimer
and Eddie Snyder
Mazal tov to all the honorees
and especially to
our good neighbors,
Brad and Michele
Nach and Maron Waxman
The Board of Trustees
honors, congratulates and thanks
Brad Rothschild and Michele Sachar
Rabbi Jules and Navah Harlow Judith Shulevitz and Nicholas Lemann
for their countless contributions
to our congregation and community.
Board of Trustees
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Rabbi Burt Visotzky
Sandy Edelman
With deep affection
and admiration for
Rabbi Jules and Navah,
Brad and Michele,
and Judith and Nick
Claudia Chernov and Josh Hanft
Mazal Tov to all the honorees
Ken Amron & Ruth Frommer
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Michael Mantel
Mazal Tov to all the honorees
Yaron Minsky
Lisa Minsky-Primus
Minyan Rimonim joyfully salutes the contributions
of Brad Rothschild & Michele Sachar,
Rabbi Jules & Navah Harlow,
and Judith Shulevitiz & Nicholas Lemann
to Ansche Chesed!
May you go from strength to strength.
Mazal tov!
Michael Brochstein, Beth Dinkin & Carl Schrag, Ellen Flax,
Rachel Givner & David Isaacson, Jeremy Goldman &
Valerie Wald, Jennifer & Ken Karan, Iris J. Korman &
Nos Sher, Cecile Kuznitz, Dennis Sandler,
Michele Siegel, Shalom Stavsky, Larry Warmflash
Congratulations and Thank You to Our Honorees:
Rabbi Jules & Navah Harlow
Judith Shulevitz & Nicholas Lemann
Brad Rothschild & Michele Sachar
for their dedication to the success of Ansche Chesed.
May you and AC go from strength to strength.
Elaine and Ronald Morris
Mazal Tov to our beloved Jules and Navah Harlow.
It's been our privilege to be part of your "other" community.
From the Lake Waubeeka/ Congregation Mt. Moses Chevrah
Charlotte Balsam, Michelle Friedman & Ben Belfer, Judy & Jeff Cahn, Amy & Sylvain
Cappel, Deb & Josh Cappel, Ruvan & Shelley Cohen, Sharon & Allen Dickstein,
Deb Eiferman, Vicky & Larry Fish, Mindy Seidlin & David Fishman, Diane & Bernie
Gissinger, Ellen & Israel Goldstein, Howie Herschberg, Sylvia & Milton Kain,
Stephanie & Bennett Katz, Gale & Jimmy Kaufman, Tinika & Steve Kevelson,
Diane & Andy Koenigsberg, Rebecca & Emilio Krausz, Jonah & Fran Kupietzky,
Nancy & Dov Lerea, Judy & Stu Rosen, Rachel Yehuda & Mitch Rothchild,
Phyllis & Paul Ruffer, Nancy & Josh Siegel, Jill Horowitz & Gary Swergold
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Iris Engelson & Hyman Rosen
The Executive Committee thanks
Brad Rothschild and Michele Sachar Rabbi Jules and Navah Harlow Judith Shulevitz and Nicholas Lemann for their ongoing contributions
and steadfast commitment to Ansche Chesed.
Congratulations! Executive Committee
Minya M'at and Ansche Chesed
depend on the commitment of its members.
Thanks for making it
such a special place for us all.
Eva Fogelman
Jerome Chanes
To our dear friends
Nic and Judith
Jules and Navah,
Brad and Michele
What A Great Honor!
Ruby Namdar and Carolyn Cohen
Congratulations to
Michele Sachar and Brad Rothschild
on this honor
Vivian Mamelak and Alain Demers
Hooray for our heroes...
...with lots of dollar signs
and zeroes.
Howard Eisenberg
With congratulations,
love and admiration for
Nick and Judith,
and all honorees!
Seth and Patty Goldman
Mazal Tov and Kol haKavod
to Jules and Navah,
Brad and Michele,
Judith and Nick
Martin & Tamara Green
Mazal Tov to
Brad Rothschild and Michele Sachar
Rabbi Jules and Navan Harlow
Judith Shulevitz and Nicholas Lemann
Thank you for all the good worל you do
to strengthen our Ansche Chesed community
as a loving place of
prayer, learning, and acts of kindness
Debra and Martin Greenberg
For the Honorees:
"Accord them honor, saying,
'How beloved these must be.'"
(B'midbar 11:16)
Stephan Brumberg and Carol Ingall
With thanks to
all of the honorees
for helping to sustain
this kehillah k'dosha.
Jennifer Cowan and Dan Jacob
Mazal tov to all, with special appreciation
for Jules and Navah, who knew our family
since Sarah was a little girl.
Rabbi David Jacobs, z'l, had great admiration
for Jules and would have loved
to have been here to offer his congratulations.
Sarah Jacobs and David Kronfeld
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Elizabeth, Jeff, Eva,
Henry, and Simon Kaiden
Congratulations to
Rabbi Jules and Navah Harlow
on this honor
Stef and Mary Krieger
Mazal Tov
to all the honorees
Bess and Leor Landa
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Larry and Marilyn Levi
AC's Morning Minyan
(and Breakfast Club) Salutes Brad Rothschild and Michele Sachar Rabbi Jules and Navah Harlow Judith Shulevitz and Nicholas Lemann
Judith Atkinson, Cynthia Braslau, Arnold Bressler, Barbara Colton,
Kay Cynamon , Ellen Flax, Martin Green, Jack Klebanow,
Judith Berman Kohn, Vivian Mamalek, Bina Medjuck-Bruckner,
Anne Mintz, Sharry Pollock, Anonymous, Ruth Sharfman,
Iris Korman and Nos Sher, David Steinberg, Burt Visotzky
Mazal Tov to our Honorees
Michele Sachar and Brad Rothschild
Rabbi Jules and Navah Harlow
Judith Shulevitz and Nicholas Lemann
Thank you for your
contributions to Ansche Chesed
Naomi and Mark Paul
Mazal Tov to all the honorees
Sharri Posen
Mazel Tov to our children
Michele and Brad
on receiving this honor
Your loving parents,
Howard and Eliana Sachar
We congratulate our good friends
Rabbi Jules and Navah Harlow
on their being honored by the entire community tonight.
... for having spread Torah and Jewish life in many communities of the US,
in Stockholm, in Lisbon - and here, amongst us.
והנפש אשר עשו בחרן
Abram took his wife Sarai ... and the persons they had acquired in
Haran, and they set out for the land of Canaan. (Gen. 12:5)
(the persons) they had acquired - they brought them under the wings of
the Shekhinah, Abraham converting the men and Sarah the women,
and Scripture deems them as if they had acquired them.
(Rashi, loc. cit, based on Gen. R. 39:14/5)
Conversion, bringing into the community, "creating" Jewish souls.
David Fishman and Mindy Seidlin
Mazal Tov to all the honorees
Harriet and Joel Shaiman
Mazal tov to all the honorees.
Thank you for all that you do
for Ansche Chesed
and the Greater Jewish Community.
Roberta and Paul Shapiro
Mazal Tov and Kol Hakovod to
all our honorees:
Michele Sachar and Brad Rothschild,
Rabbi Jules and Navah Harlow, Judith Shulevitz and Nicholas Lemann. Ruth Sharfman
Mazal tov to all the honorees
and thank you to Ansche Chesed's
clergy, staff, and board
for your amazing leadership!
With gratitude,
The Sissman/Richter Family
Mazal Tov, friends!
We are so glad to be
shul-mates with you all. David Morris & Elisheva Urbas
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Aviva Weintraub
Congratulations to
Rabbi Jules and Navah Harlow
on this honor
Dorothy and Michael Weiss
Congratulations to
Michele Sachar and Brad Rothschild
on this honor
Jane Wells
The West Side Minyan joins
the Ansche Chesed community to honor
Brad Rothschild and Michele Sachar
Rabbi Jules and Navah Harlow
Judith Shulevitz and Nicholas Lemann
for their generosity in serving our shul.
We are grateful for their many hours
of selfless work on behalf of our community.
West Side Minyan
Mazal Tov to
Judith and Nick;
Michele Sachar and Brad Rothschild,
and Rabbi Jules and Navah Harlow
for helping Ansche Chesed flourish.
Michael Wise
In appreciation to
Navah and Jules,
and all the honorees,
for your efforts
in building our community
Bonnie Zaben
Congratulations to
Michele Sachar and Brad Rothschild
on this honor
Lenore and Maurice Ades
Mazel Tov to all of the
honorees for your dedication to our sacred community Vivian Awner
To Navah & Jules,
To Judith & Nick,
To Michele & Brad,
Mazel tov.
And thank you for all you've done.
Leora Barish & Henry Bean
Congratulations and thank you
to all of our honorees.
Jules and Navah-
The two of your are treasures.
Thanks for all you have done
for our shul and community.
We send you blessings
of good health going forward.
Much love,
Miriam and Benyamin
Congratulations to
Michele and Brad
and thanks for all that you do.
Kenneth and Nancy Bob
Mazal Tov to all the honorees
Ann and Ira Cohen
Brad and Michele
Jules and Navah
Judith and Nick
Thank for for your contributions
to Ansche Chesed,
and to communities beyond our walls
Alan Divack and Amy Zarrow
Mazal tov to
Michele and Brad,
Jules and Navah,
Judith and Nick
for enriching our community
in all of your distinct ways--
We appreciate all of you!
Nancy Sinkoff and Gary Dreiblatt
Congratulations to
Brad and Michele
on this Much Deserved Honor
David and Elyse Efron
In honor of
Rabbi Jules,
Navah Harlow,
Judith Shulevitz
and Nicholas Lemann Adriane Leveen & Arnold Eisen
Mazal Tov to all the honorees
Steve Cohen and Donna Fishman
"We have to remember to stop
because we have to stop to remember."
-- from "The Sabbath World" by
Judith Shulevitz.
Congratulations to Judith and Nick
for their living commitment to Judaism and A. C.
Samuel and Chana Freedman
Mazal Tov to all the honorees
Carolyn Greene
Mazal Tov to all the honorees
Rebecca Reitz and Sid Gribetz
In honor of Rabbi Jules and Navah Harlow
...תפארת בנים אבותם...
(משלי יז:ו)
...the glory of children is their parents
(Proverbs 17:6)
In admiration and gratitude,
Your children and grandchildren
We eagerly look forward to
reading anything Judith and Nick write
Miriam Harris-Kaplan
George Kaplan
We deeply appreciate
all the guidance
Rebbetzin Navah and Rabbi Jules
have given us through the years
Miriam Harris-Kaplan
George Kaplan
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Avery and Wendy Katz
Mazel Tov Judith & Nick!
The Kramer-Richard Family
Mazal Tov to all the honorees
The Mann/Rosenblatt Family
פרי צדיק עץ חיים
The Etz Hayyim is the work of a Tzaddik
Kol HaKavod to Jules and Navah
who have contributed so much
to the Jewish people.
With appreciation and friendship,
Sandy and Joel Meyers
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Lynn and Danny Nevins
Mazel Tov
Navah and Jules,
The cheese stands alone.
I guess we're the cheese.
David and Sharry Pollock
Mazal Tov to all the honorees
Sharon and Michael Rebell
Mazal Tov to all the honorees
Judy Katz and Oren Rudavsky
For Brad and Michelle
With pride and love
David, Joanna and Mark Sachar
Mazal tov to our honorees
Michele Sachar and Brad Rothschild Rabbi Jules and Navah Harlow Judith Shulevitz and Nicholas Lemann With gratitude and appreciation for your unwavering dedication
to Ansche Chesed and for all that you do to help us continue to grow
as a community of prayer, learning, and acts of kindness.
May you go from strength to strength. The Sanctuary Service Committee Nancy Reibstein, Tamara Fish, Joseph Schefler,
Rona Wexler, Stan Etra, Gail Eisen, Jill Kronenberg
Mazel Tov to
Michele, Brad, Navah, Jules,
Judith and Nick.
Thank you for your leadership and for all
that you each do to contribute to our community.
You each exemplify the true meaning
of Ansche Chesed.
Lori Skopp and Michael Schmidt
Congratulations to
Michele Sachar
Brad Rothschild
on this honor
The Vuernicks
Mazal Tov!
to our honorees
and to our community.
Melinda Gros and Ronald Werter
In honor of Brad,
our fearless leader
From your faithful followers
on the Program Committee.
Mazel Tov to
Rabbi Jules and Navah Harlow
from your Waubeeka friends
Ben Belfer, Michelle Friedman
and family
Mazel tov to
Judith and Nick,
an exceptional niece
and nephew. Barbara Cullen & Alan Elliott
Mazel tov to the inspiring
Jules and Navah,
and to all of the honorees
for strengthening
Ansche Chesed!
Marla and Melanie
Sasha and Eliana
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Michele Siegel and Oren Grad
Mazal Tov to all the honorees
Sara & Scott Harris
Mazal Tov to all the honorees
Barry Holtz and Bethamie Horowitz
Mazal Tov to all the honorees
Gary and Ronelle Kallman
To Rabbi Jules and Navah Harlow
והביאנו לשלום מארבע כנפות הארץ
You have brought together many in peace
from the four corners of the earth
Jan C. Kaufman
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Stephanie, Ilya, Alexander,
and Benjamin Kofman
Congratulations to
Judith Shulevitz
Nicholas Lemann
this honor Corby Kummer
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Nancy & Douglas Lee
Mazal Tov to all the honorees
Carolyn and Bob Leventhal
Mazal Tov to all the honorees
Abigail Levy and Bruce Levine
Congratulations to
Judith Shulevitz
Nicholas Lemann
on this honor Sue Radmer and Richard Manson
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Naomi Marcus
To all of the honorees -
Thank you for sharing your lives with Ansche Chesed! Jocelyn Maskow
Congratulations to
Judith Shulevitz
Nicholas Lemann
on this honor Camille McDuffie
Mazal Tov to all the honorees
The Medjuck-Bruckner Family
Mazal tov to all the honorees
and especially
Judith Shulevitz and Nicholas Lemann
Judith Edelstein and Jim Meier
Mazal Tov to all the honorees
Deborah Rosenthal and Jed Perl
Congratulations to
Jules and Navah
Jerry and Barrie Raik
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Suzan Rosen
Congratulations to
Brad and Michele
on this honor.
In loving memory of Howard Sachar.
Joy, Hank, Raef, Francesca
The Rothschilds of Texas
Mazal Tov to
Michele and Brad!
Kate, Dan, Sophia & Isabelle
Congratulations to
Michele Sachar and Brad Rothschild
on this honor
The Salzman Family -
Eric, Michelle, Adam and Allie
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Joe and Elizabeth Schefler
Mazal Tov to all the honorees
Judy Margolin and Seth Schwartz
Congratulations and best wishes to
Judith Shulevitz and Nick Lemann,
our wonderful daughter and son-in-law,
and sister and brother-in-law.
May you go from strength to strength!
Bill, Marion and Deborah Shulevitz
and Ori Schwartzburg
Congratulations to
Rabbi Jules and Navah Harlow
on this honor
Robin Forman & High Smyser
Mazal Tov to all the honorees
Diana Stevens
From strength to strength
Marcia Talmage Schneider
Mazal Tov to all the honorees
Rabbi Kara and Kobi Tav
Mazal Tov
to all the honorees
Alan Rosenstein and Ellen Tucker
Mazal Tov to all the honorees
Rona Wexler
The Employability Expert
James Besser
Ronne Mandelker & Andrew Braiterman
Caren and Jeremy Caplan
Jane Huber and Chandler Carter
Lynda and Robert Cassanos
Lauren Kurland and Scott Cohen
Naomi and Mike Cohen
Mary Feinberg
Michelle Foxman
Noah Kaufman and Laurie Frey
Evelyn Ostow Mandelker & Shari Ostow Friedman
Marilyn Goldberg
Vicki Brower and Michael Gottsegen
Peggy and Noah Gurock
Jennifer Rosenberg and Gil Israeli
Benjamin and Erin Kramer
Jon and Diane Levinson
Toni Landau and Fred Mansbach
Camille McDuffie
Linda Messing
Sharry and David Pollock
Nancy Reibstein
Michael Schudson
Ralph Seliger
Iris Korman and Nos Sher
Harriet Siden
Susan Greenfield and Matthew Weissman
Terry Zisowitz
Aviva and Allen Zweben