Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Book of Remembrance?
The Book of Remembrance is a compilation of names of community members who are no longer with us and who are being remembered by members of our community.
Why is a Book of Remembrance important?
In keeping with our Jewish tradition for remembering our loved ones at this time of year, we publish a Book of Remembrance for the Yom Kippur Memorial Service. It enables us to pay tribute to our loved ones who are no longer with us.
Do I light a memorial candle when Yizkor is recited?
Yes, A 24-hour memorial candle can be lit in your home before the fast begins on Yom Kippur.
Has Ansche Chesed had a Book of Remembrance for a long time?
Ansche Chesed i has a long, rich history of producing an annual Book of Remembrance that is distributed during the Yizkor service on the afternoon of Yom Kippur. This year it will be virtual and will remain on our website throughout the year.
Is it customary to give tzedakah (a donation) in memory of a loved one during this time?
Yes, in keeping with the origins of Yizkor, it is appropriate to make a tzedakah contribution to honor those who you are remembering.
Can I say Yizkor privately?
Yes, memorial passages can be said privately. There is no technical requirement for a minyan (quorum of 10 Jews necessary for communal prayer).
How can I ensure that my loved ones are included in this year’s Book of Remembrance?
Having your loved one’s name included is easy.  All you need to do is click “submit names of loved ones” and complete the form.
How can I find the names of my loved ones already listed?
Type your family name in the search box, or click on the “Family Name Index” on the home page.
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