Leadership Messages
Letter from the Chair, Ahavas Sholom Tikkun Olam Awards
Dear Community Members,
Thank you for learning more about Congregation Ahavas Sholom’s Tikkun Olam Awards. When I was first introduced to Congregation Ahavas Sholom by Stephanie Greenwood and Adam Zipkin in 2012, I was in graduate school for urban planning and new to Newark. One of the first things I noticed was that tikkun olam, or the idea that each of us has a responsibility to engage in the repair of the world, was not just something reserved for certain days or initiatives. Tikkun Olam was infused in the very spirit of the congregation and core to our mission.
A decade later, I now have a family that attends Congregation Ahavas Sholom and tikkun olam has taken on a new meaning for me in our constantly changing world. At our last Awards Gala, our Rabbi Eliyahu Collins shared that the concept of tikkun olam can and should serve as comfort to us in difficult times: “Isn’t it comforting that even in the face of great challenges, each of us can play a role in making our world better.”
The individuals we are presenting our 2nd ever Tikkun Olam Awards to on May 4th embody this concept and know that each person has a role to play. Read their biographies and you’ll see that tikkun olam has infused their personal and professional lives.
I take comfort in the unique work each of our awardees is doing to repair our corner of the world.
We are excited to celebrate and honor each of them with you on May 4th.
Sincerely, Emily Manz
Chair, Ahavas Sholom Tikkun Olam Awards