Mazel Tov and Yasher Koach to our Honorees!
Please click on the honoree photo to read more.
Todd and Diane Salovey
Guests of Honor
Gavin and Cheryl Horn
Guests of Honor
The Aron Family
Hilda and Jeremy Cohen and Family
Charles Jaffe and Janith Seidel and Family
Brian and Suzanne Marcus and Family
Amy and Jonathan Aires
Anne and Harvey Brenner
Sam and Sandra Dimenstein, and Zachary and Sigalit Dimenstein
Gavin and Cheryl Horn and Family
The Salovey Family
Yaakov and Devorah Shore
The Sragovicz Family
Jackie Woolf
Neil and Ruth Berkowitz
Perry and Michelle Diamond
Claire and David Ellman
Arlene and Martin Fogel
Wendy and Harold Frysh
Marc and Felicia Gipsman
Megan and Jacob Kamaras
Avra Kassar and Family
Marc and Shana Lebovits
Lawrence and Aaron Lotzof
Debbie and Jack Maizel
Samuel and Joanne Marcus
Marc and Susan Sacks
Colin and Jane Scher and family
Mitchell Shack and Tina Beranbaum
Mark and Phyllis Strauss
The Borok Family
David and Mary Feifel
The Freifeld Family
Roland and Myrice Goldberg
David and Aniko Hastings
Jerry and Sheila Hermel and Family
Len and Anne Jurkowski
Brian and Sarah Keating
Irwin Krinsky
Nora and Stuart Laiken
Sean and Loretta Levi
Craig, Marty and Wolfy Lotzof
Sally and Luis Maizel
Michael and Paula Mantell
Martin and Beverly Pamensky
Scott and Floribeth Rappoport
Joe, Pam and Samuel Resnikoff and our families
San Diego Hebrew Day
Paul and Debbie Shtein
Steven and Ava Weitzen
Gidon and Marilyn Williams
Mark and Laura Abelkop
Stephen and Brenda Abelkop
Mickey and Rachel Abraham
Ary and Elana Abramovic
Irwin and Felicia Belcher
Carla and Geoffrey Berg
Shimon and Liza Blumenfeld
Drs. Peter and Hilary Bowers
David and Jackie Diamond
Moises and Jennifer Eilemberg
The Ertel Family
Jim and Sari Esserman
Uri and Belinda Feldman
Jack Forman
Craig and Dana Glasser
Margot, Rob, Aryeh, and Joshua Hillman
Stephen and Alysa Kaplan
Boris and Miriam Kheyn-Kheyfets
Janet and Becky Klein
Michael Leeman and Margaret Levick
The Lesowitz Family
Delon and Daniela Levi
Abe and Iris Loebenstein
Zoe and Jonathan Moed
The Monsowitz Family
Sorrel and Judy Nemzer
Michoel and Chavi Peikes
Perl and Beth
Roger and Debbie Rappoport
Howard and Diane Schachat
Gav and Devorah Shapiro
Yury Shlionsky and Deborah Topper
Julian and Doreen Solomons
Ken and Julia Stone
Steven and Sharon Tradonsky
Missy and Philip Wrotslavsky
Brian Zimmerman and Family
Jack and Ellen Zyroff
David Argow
Joan Behrend
Rudy and Judy Beraha
Jaime and Karen Breziner
Michael and Helene Cobb
Neal and Dee Desind
Howard Dyckman
Jeremy and Pauline Factor
Julian and Beryl Frank
Tsvi and Anne Goldenberg
Tanya Goodman and Family
The Goodman Family
Mara Lynn Katzman and Family
Ariana Kiken
Janet and Becky Klein
Milton and Stephanie Krasner
Celia Levy
Frances Lobman
Hana Olivensky
Elana, Jordan and David Rezmovitch
David and Sylvia Roth
Gavin and Zara Sclar
Eva Shore
Lolie and Sabina Fromm and Daniel Skaggs
Kevin and Lynn Swartzberg
Eva Trieger
Yvonne and Rick Venger
Rabbi Simcha and Mrs. Betty Weiser
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