Simchat Megillat Esther
A Special Women’s League Project
Celebrating the Empowerment of Women
Benefitting Women's League Programming
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The empowerment of women, enriching family ties and reinforcing communal commitment are three issues high on the Women’s League agenda. They are also themes that run throughout the biblical book of Esther, called in Hebrew, Megillat Esther.
Your support of this new development project will help Women's League enhance the outstanding programming, educational and personal growth materials that it offers members worldwide to help fulfill that mission.
When completed, this beautiful Megillat Esther will be shared among the regions and sisterhoods as an incentive to study and address some of its intriguing issues as well to revisit an ancient tale through contemporary eyes. Complimentary educational material will include a study of megillot in Jewish art and a new look at an ancient story that still resonates in contemporary life.
Soferet Rabbi Hanna Klebansky, one of the very few trained female scribes, has been engaged to create this Megillat Esther especially for Women’s League. Born in the former Soviet Union and ordained at the Schechter Institute in Jerusalem, Rabbi Klebansky will use traditional scribal arts to calligraph and illuminate the scroll.
Join us today! Help Women’s League continue to be the network where Jewish women find their voices, learn new skills, build community, and celebrate our traditions.