Due to the continued, unprecedented times, we have been unable to gather together for this evening. That changes on April 28, 2023 when we will honor our award winners in-person in the following categories:
- Patricia O’Donnell Memorial Community Volunteer
- Chandelier Charity Organization
- William C. LaGreca Memorial Corporation
- Public Sector Advocate
- Health Care Advocate
- Deborah Lorenzetti Professional
- Ann Vrola Memorial Citizenship
- Nat S. Amadeo Distinguished Lifetime Achievement
- those we serve, and our commitment to the community.
We would not have existed without your support, not just financially, but in the way you advocate for those we serve! We thank you in advance for your support of Hudson Milestones.
In these economically challenging times, we need that support more than ever. Please consider purchasing tickets to join us on April 28, 2023 or taking out a tribute ad to recognize a business, family, friend, or staff.
We are so grateful to you all.
We are so grateful to you all.
Donor List
Full Page
Half Page
Tribute Listing
Name Listing
Teresa Maietti
Provident Bank
The Benefits Consulting Group - BCG Advisors
Columbia Bank
Connell Foley LLP
Cruz/Rizzo Family
PKF O'Connor Davies
Synogen Solutions
Cruz/Rizzo Family and Friends
Cruz/Rizzo Family & Friends
Greenville Memorial Home
Liberty Savings Federal Credit Union
Christopher Rizzo
Cruz-Rizzo Family/Friends
Scott Heck
Sally Medeiros
Morris Security Electronics
The Rutkowski Family
Arlene, Craig and The Rutkowski Family
Full Page
Quality Assurance Department Staff
Donna Dolan
From the Lim Family
Hudson County Board of County Commissioners
Jade and Dulce Lopez
Michael Maietti
Teresa Maietti, CEO
Teresa Maietti, CEO
Teresa Maietti, CEO
Teresa Maietti, CEO
Lynette Medeiros
Sally Medeiros
Lauren Nardini Branco
Jose Rosario
Jose Rosario
Georgia and Vincent Ruiz
Kathleen Ruiz
Finance & Operations Staff
Rock the 21
The Fiore Family
UNICO National Bayonne Chapter
Half Page
Bayonne Elks Lodge 434
Tracey Belvedere
Brockman's Pharmacy
Karen Gray
Henn & Nardini Contracting
Jasmine and Lakaisha Hudson Milestones Day Support Services
Jasmine, Kathleen, and Kristin Hudson Milestones Early Intervention
Kathleen, Jasmine, Kristin Hudson Milestones Respite
Carol and Steve Lefelt
Antonio & Michelle Nardini
Frank Rizzo
Kathleen Ruiz
Mike ~ Stanlaw Fitness
Tribute Listing
Albert & Char Chin
Jennifer Connolly
Marina Corpus
Cruz/Rizzo Family
Lana's Unisex Hair Salon
Shonda Reeves
Delia Vicedo
Name Listing
Sairone & Jonathan Camaya
Nerissa Fairfax
Jade and Dulce Lopez
Harriet and Debby Werner